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Calculate Assume gasoline costs S1.50 per gallon. How much did you spend per mile on gasoline?


Roses Three decorators purchased bouquets of roses. Decorator A paid $120 for 5 bouquets that contained 25 roses each. Decorator B paid $204 for 20 bouquets that contained 12 roses each. Decorator C paid $180 for 40 bouquets that contained 6 roses each. Which decorator paid the least amount per rose? rip Find the total number of roses each decorator bought.

i) Find the price per rose for each decorator.

“i) Compare the unit prices to determine which decorator paid the least per rose.

Nature As a tadpole, the paradoxical frog is 24 centimeters long. As an adult, the frog is 6 centimeters long. a. Write the ratio of the tadpole’s length to the adult frog’s length. b. Something is called paradoxical if it seems impossible. What is paradoxical about the frog? Explain using your answer to part

(a). Estimate A store sells 16 cookies for $11.88.

Estimate the cost per cookie. Explain how you made your estimate.

Guitar You want to save all the money you earn to buy a guitar that costs $400. You earn $9 per hour and plan to work 15 hours each week for the next 3 weeks. Will you earn enough money in that time to buy the guitar? Extended Problem Solving Your family used two full tanks of gasoline on a road trip. Your car drives about 25 miles per gallon, and the tank holds 12 gallons of gasoline.

a. Find the approximate number of gallons of gasoline used on the trip.

b. Find the approximate number of miles you drove on the trip.

c. Calculate Assume gasoline costs S1.50 per gallon. How much did you spend per mile on gasoline?

d. Apply You have $20 to spend on gasoline for another trip. The trip is 350 miles. You spend the same amount per mile on gasoline as on the first trip. Do you have enough money for gasoline? Explain.

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