Analyze the effectiveness of post-delum policies by explaining if reconstruction succeeded or failed in areas of economics including the rebuilding of the Southern economy and improving the economic status of free demand, and politics-including the unification the North and south, restoring Southern loyalty to the union, and establishing political rights for African americans. Make sure to include examples to support your claims of success or failure and cite all sources used to develop your answer
Readings and resources
Hamby, A. L., Neely, M. S., & Clack, G(2009). Outline of us history. New York: Nova Scotia science publishers.
Chapter 7 page 111 through 116 read the following sections with malice towards none, radical reconstruction, the end of reconstruction
Chapter 8 the growth and transformation pages 121 through 125 read the following sections revolution and agriculture, the divided south, the last frontier, flight of The Americans
Klarman, M. J (2004). From Jim Crow to civil rights: supreme Court and the struggle for racial equality. Oxford: Oxford University press.