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Explain and identify an example from the case that illustrates the issue. Do not recommend a solution; just identify the issues.

Management case study

Answer following prompt based on article attached, Feel free to find and identify an issue found in the article. An example of how the case brief should look is attached.

Formatting is essential for this assignment:

The brief is a two-page document, single spaced, that contains the following information. Label each section of the brief as follows:

Case Synopsis/Problem: One paragraph summary of the business situation/problem. This is not “retelling” the case story, you are a consultant to the firm, and it should be told from this point of view. Identify the problem you see when you approach the client that needs solving.

Key Management Issues: Identify five issues in this case that are contributing to/causing the problem and that require management attention. Explain and identify an example from the case that illustrates the issue. Do not recommend a solution; just identify the issues.

Selected Recommendation: Choose one of the identified issues and recommend a managerial approach to resolve that issue using your course resources. Include an overview, resources required, and an estimated time frame to initiate and complete. Cite references from your reading that support your recommendation. Remember, you are a consultant to the firm who is proposing a plan that will have a measurable impact. Be prepared to sell your idea!

Conclusion: What were the key “lessons” or insights that you learned from reading this case? Thinking about our ROI book, what role did executive leadership play (or no play) in the company’s issues? Explain.

Class References: Use APA style intext citation (author, date) and include a reference page at the end of the brief. For course text include section number/page numbers.

Style & Grammar: Consider this to be a business deliverable. It should be free of errors.


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