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Share and explain one quote from the “Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding” that sums up the connection between the tiktok and “Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.”


Experience & TikTok

Number each prompt response and embed the TikTok rather than posting a link.

  1. Find or create a TikTok that represents the Hume’s basic empiricist idea that we gain knowledge through experience. **Do not choose a TikTok that simply explains Hume’s ideas. This is your job.**
  2. Share and explain one quote from the “Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding” that sums up the connection between the tiktok and “Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.”
  3. Now share 1 quote from either Descartes’s Meditations on First Philosophy or the Descartes lesson video on Meditation 3 that best sums up Descartes’s final position on absolute certainty and doubt as it is different from Hume.
  4. What steps would you take to demonstrate to your skeptical classmates there is a monkey in the room based on Descartes’s philosophy?
  5. What steps would you take to demonstrate to your skeptical classmates there is a monkey in the room based on Hume’s’s philosophy?


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