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Complete an analysis in narrative form, highlighting significant findings and comparing the school and community data. Include an explanation of how you collaborated with specific stakeholders to collect and analyze the data.


The School-Community Demographic Study is the first part of the Benchmark Assignment: Community Resources Alignment Project.

The assignment is divided into four parts for submission. All four parts will be checked for originality through Turnitin.com within the appropriate modules/weeks. You will also submit the School-Community Demographic Study with the other components of this assignment in Module 8: Week 8 through LiveText.

This is a research project to gather the demographic statistics, analyze those data, and explain the related implications of those data on the school and community. Following are the explanations of those parts:

1. Demographic Data Report:

• Community Demographic Data Report: Gather demographic statistics for the surrounding community. The chamber of commerce or local government agency should be able to supply the community data. This is to be reported in chart or graph form and is to include the following: race/ethnicity, language, age, gender, income/socioeconomic status, religion, educational attainment, and unemployment rate. If some data are not available, simply report those categories as “N/A.” Cite the sources of your data.

• School Demographic Data Report: Gather demographic statistics for the school. The school information is usually available from the district office. This is to be reported in chart or graph form and is to include the following: race/ethnicity, language, age, gender, income/socioeconomic status, religion, educational attainment, and unemployment rate of school parents. If some data are not available, simply report those categories as “N/A.” Cite the sources of your data.

2. Demographic Data Analysis: Complete an analysis in narrative form, highlighting significant findings and comparing the school and community data. Include an explanation of how you collaborated with specific stakeholders to collect and analyze the data.

3. Implications: Explain the implications this information has for understanding the school context and addressing the needs of students and their families.

Discuss how collaborative efforts with specific stakeholders informed your understanding of the implications. Also, align these implications with specific school-level plans to show that your building-level efforts in community relations are in line with district-level efforts.

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