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What are the two principles that the research community have learnt from the pioneering studies of Stanley Milgram and Philip Zimbardo? Describe a scenario in which you would take these into account when conducting your own research.


  1. What are the two principles that the research community have learnt from the pioneering studies of Stanley Milgram and Philip Zimbardo? Describe a scenario in which you would take these into account when conducting your own research.
  1. Imagine that you were to develop a quantitative questionnaire (i.e., one that gives you numerical output exclusively). Describe two ways in which you would go about testing the questionnaire’s validity.


  1. Describe five ways in which some or all of the following could have been improved, in order to enhance the quality of data collected by Ashton et al. (2017), in their paper entitled ‘Young Men’s Preferences for Design and Delivery of Physical Activity and Nutrition Interventions: A Mixed-Methods Study’: the theoretical rationale, recruitment of participants, and/or the data collection process.


  1. Using your thematic analysis of the ‘Interview with a Member of P Company’ transcript, provide a brief summary (200 words maximum), complete with reference to relevant codes and themes in parentheses as appropriate, of your findings. Please note that parenthetical material does NOT contribute to the overall word count. You should paste any elements of your existing analysis to which you refer in the summary.


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