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Explain how different cultural perspectives may affect the therapeutic relationship. Determine the effect of microaggressions on the therapeutic relationship.

Many counselors believe they are culturally sensitive and that they understand their clients of different cultural backgrounds; however, there may be characteristics that are misunderstood. This assignment will allow you to explore aspects of other cultures to gain a better understanding of and appreciation for these other cultures.

Choose a significant identifying characteristic about yourself that you are willing to change for one to two days.

Use your findings from the Ethnic Genogram assignment, due in Week 2, to help you select a characteristic.

Try to change a characteristic that could help you become a better multicultural counselor, but remember to stay safe while doing so.

Obtain instructor approval for the characteristic you would like to change.

Inform family and employers of the nature of the assignment. Before you begin the cultural plunge experience, write out what you expect to happen. During the experience, pay attention to your reactions and the reactions of others. Make note of these reactions at the end of each day.

Create a 5- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation of your experience. Include the following:
– The cultural plunge experience
– What characteristic did you select for the cultural plunge? How does your choice of a characteristic relate to being a better cultural counselor?
> Why did you choose to change this characteristic for the cultural plunge?
– What were your expectations before you started?
> What personal biases did you discover while completing the cultural plunge? How do you plan to overcome these biases as a counselor?
– The counseling process
> What are common attitudes, beliefs, needs, and philosophies of the examined population toward the counseling process?
> What strategies may be used to provide the best counseling services to the examined population?
> How does your culture define the roles of the counselor and the client? How does the culture you experienced define the roles of the counselor and the client?
> Describe the best local counseling resources and referral agencies that specialize in the examined population. Explain why these resources are the best available.

References: you will need outside references to cover the section on counseling process. At least 2 peer reviewed references beyond the textbook is required and you may need more. The amount of research will depend on how you are conducting your cultural plunge. For instance, if you are interviewing individuals within the group, you may need fewer. If you are experiencing something directly (life with a disability) you will need more research to compare your experience with others who live with a disability.

Write a 175- to 350-word reflection on what you learned about different social and cultural perspectives. Include the following (this can be included in the power point as an addendum (at the end) or as a separate document):
– Explain how different cultural perspectives may affect the therapeutic relationship.
– Determine the effect of microaggressions on the therapeutic relationship.

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