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Identify the key risk factors and behaviours, i.e. what are the adults (teachers, parents) worried about? Give attention to social, emotional and/or cultural factors relevant the chosen community.

Summary: Prepare a community profile of group of young people. Include relevant background information such as demographics, key community issues pertaining to young people as well as any youth work or programs that may have been previously undertaken.
The main tasks include:
1. Introduction – Introduction your topic and provide an outline of your essay.
2. Define Youth Work – Using relevant academic literature provide a definition of youth work.
3. Community Profile – Identify and present a young person’s community, include ONE social need (i.e. homelessness, drugs/alcohol, mental health and so on). Review and discuss relevant academic literature on your community – At least FOUR Academic Journal Articles. Give attention to social, emotional and/or cultural factors relevant to the chosen community.
4. Risk – Identify the key risk factors and behaviours, i.e. what are the adults (teachers, parents) worried about?
5. Media – Analysis of the young person’s community as it is represented in the media, with reference to ONE media story. Provide an opinion on how the young person’s community has been represented.
6. Stakeholders – Identification of relevant stakeholder/services in the young person’s community, i.e. what stakeholders/services are important for a young person in this community?
7. Youth Work Application – How would a youth worker engage a young person from the chosen community? Consider approach, skills, barriers and aim of engagement.
8. Conclusion – Review your key points.
More detailed instructions are listed in the corresponding specific marking criteria. Please read them carefully before you start your assignment.’
• This assessment task must be written to demonstrate your academic writing skills, including the correct use of references.
• The marking scheme/marking criteria provided should be used to form the basic framework for the assignment. The specific marking criteria should be used as headings in sequence to clearly identify the responses to the individual tasks.
• The required word count is 1500 words minimum, but no more than 2000 words maximum.
• Appendices, diagrams, direct quotes, face page, figures, page numbers, reference list, and tables are not included in the word count. Headings and in-text citations are counted.
• Ensure that you read How to Do Assignments, under the ASSESSMENT tab on StudyDesk and if necessary, undertake the online Library tutorials on writing and referencing before drafting your assignment.
• Contact the Learning Centre for additional assistance with assignment writing.

Marks for this assignment: 40 marks relate to the specific criteria and 10 marks relate to the general criteria (see below).
Important: To provide a balanced account as required, please address all specific marking criteria in sequence with numbered headings.
Suggestion: Check the weighting of the specific marking criteria two (2) to five (5) to work out how many words to use for each of your responses; together with short word counts for the Introduction and Conclusion the 1500-word limit can be easily achieved.
General Marking Criteria
What is expected?

Approach to written content
• The extent to which your responses correctly address the individual marking criteria.
• The extent to which your assignment is a balanced and evidence-based account.
• The extent to which the text reflects independent research of relevant source material.

• The extent to which you have researched the subject.
• The extent to which you have reviewed the relevant literature on the subject.
• The extent to which you have cited relevant sources – 8 to 10 appropriate references are expected.
• Word limit achieved, no tolerance down, but no more than 2000 words.
• Quotes must be clearly indicated and kept to a minimum.

• The extent to which your writing is fluent and free of grammatical and spelling errors.
• Emphasis is placed on clarity of expression and argumentation.

• The extent to which you have ordered your views. Your points should be well integrated, coherent, and sequential.
• Use of headings and sub-headings is required.
• A brief introduction and conclusion are required. Please use the attainable marks of the core marking criteria as guidance for each task.

Community Profile
Identify and present a young person’s community, include
ONE social need (i.e. homelessness, drugs/alcohol, mental health and so on).
Review and discuss relevant academic literature on your community – At least FOUR Academic Journal Articles.
Give attention to social, emotional and/or cultural factors relevant the chosen community.

Identify the key risk factors and behaviours, i.e. what are the adults (teachers, parents) worried about?

Analysis of the young person’s community as it is represented in the media, with reference to ONE media story. Provide an opinion on how the young person’s community has been represented.

Identification of relevant stakeholder/services in the young person’s community, i.e. what stakeholders/services are important for a young person in this community?

Youth Work Application
How would a youth worker engage a young person from the chosen community? Consider approach, skills, barriers and aim of engagement.

Briefly draw together the findings in your responses to the above marking

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