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Demonstrate an understanding of the main counter terrorism approaches and how these are similar/different to counter insurgency tactics.

The review should provide an overview of the piece but, more importantly, it should also critically reflect on the piece and the contribution it is making to the existing literature. It must not just repeat the content of the article.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to: * Brookes Attribute developed
  1. Critically assess debates about definitions of terrorism
Academic literacy
  1. Examine and assess the types and causes of terrorism
Academic literacy
  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the main counter terrorism approaches and how these are similar/different to counter insurgency tactics
Academic literacy
  1. Critically examine the cultural impact of terrorism (and its study)
Academic literacy
  1. Demonstrate an advanced knowledge and understanding of the academic literature on terrorism and critical terrorism studies
Research literacy
  1. Manage workloads effectively and set personal goals
Critical self-awareness and personal literacy
  1. Demonstrate the skills of reflective independent learning
Critical self-awareness and personal literacy
  1. Communicate arguments orally and on paper
Critical self-awareness and personal literacy
  1. Develop research skills with information technology
Digital and information literacy
  1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of how terrorism and counter terrorism impact on equity, sustainability and social justice.
Active Citizenship


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