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What behaviors are associated with this neurotransmitter? What symptoms or behaviors are associated with this neurotransmitter when it is deficient and/or excessive?

Discussion 2.1: Acetylcholine Neurotransmitter Information Resource.
Create an informational PowerPoint about your assigned neurotransmitter Acetylcholine, Make it easy to read or listen to and understand. PLEASE USE COLORFUL GRAPHIC AND IMAGES RELATED TO MENTAL HEALTH.
In your resources, answer the following questions and include two evidence-based sources. The two evidence base sources are “Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology Prescriber’s Guide sixth edition by Stephen M. Stahl” and “Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology Neuroscientific Basis and Practical Application” by Stephen M. Stahl
1.What is the function of your neurotransmitter?
2.What is the pathway origin and projections?
3.Is your neurotransmitter excitatory or inhibitory? Explain the difference.
4.What behaviors are associated with this neurotransmitter? What symptoms or behaviors are associated with this neurotransmitter when it is deficient and/or excessive?
5.How is this neurotransmitter relevant to psychiatry as far as its impact on psychiatric symptoms or psychiatric disorders?
6.Provide two examples of medications that affect this neurotransmitter relevant to psychiatry. Based on how this neurotransmitter translates into symptoms, explain how what symptoms you expect the medication to help with.
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