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“Write an overview of its main characteristics: what time in history it flourished during; what geographical region it covered; what was its capital or most important city/cities or centers.

In this paper you are given the task of reporting on Egyptian culture during the period of the “New Kingdom”, taking place roughly between 1550 and 712 BCE. Types of things you will be discussing are as follows:
“Write an overview of its main characteristics: what time in history it flourished during; what geographical region it covered; what was its capital or most important city/cities or centers; how was it organized politically and ruled; what were its main beliefs and/or religion; what were its main occupations/type of work; what was new and important about this culture – what was its significance or what did it contribute; did it influence or dominate other societies/cultures of the time; what were its main art and architecture forms – did it introduce a new or a distinctive type of art?”

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