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What are effects on our society, on masculinity & femininity, on perceptions of gender?

1. From your textbook table of contents locate & read chapter 4 (edition 11 of the book).

2. Provide 11 main points from the reading. Include main points from the beginning, middle & end of the reading. Be sure to include in-text citations from the textbook reading, with page numbers, for each main point. The main points should be a minimum of 15 words each (It’s ok if more words are used). Include the word count at the end of each main point. Be sure to use your own words rather than direct quotation.

In-text citation formatting, (author’s last name, year of publication, page #). Note all of the information is within parenthesis..

1. Main point #1, with in-text citation, (word count)
2. Main point #2, with in-text citation, (word count)
3. Main point #3, with in-text citation, (word count)
4. Main point #4, with in-text citation, (word count)
5. Main point #5, with in-text citation, (word count)
6. Main point #6, with in-text citation, (word count)
7. Main point #7, with in-text citation, (word count)
8. Main point #8, with in-text citation, (word count)
9. Main point #9, with in-text citation, (word count)
10. Main point #10, with in-text citation, (word count)
11. Main point #11, with in-text citation, (word count)


Excerpt from Academic Journal:
Objectification Theory offers a testable framework for examining the consequences of sexual objectification for women-that is, “being treated as a body (or collection of body parts) valued predominantly for its use to (or consumption by) others” (Fredrickson & Roberts, 1997, p. 174). Sexual objectification occurs along a spectrum that includes (but is not limited to) sexualized gazing, unsolicited sexualized commentary, sexually objectifying media and pornography, sexual harassment and stalking, and contact sexual violence and rape (Davidson & Gervais, 2015;Fredrickson & Roberts, 1997;Roberts, Calogero, & Gervais, 2018;Swim, Hyers, Cohen, & Ferguson, 2001;Szymanski, Moffitt, & Carr, 2011). Objectification Theory proposes that sexual objectification experiences accumulate over time and foster a self-objectifying attitude, whereby girls and women psychologically and behaviorally invest in their appearance as a way of anticipating and managing how others will view and treat them (Roberts et al., 2018). …

Data show when consumption of hip hop/rap music increases so does self-objectification behavior, such as depression, anxiety and body dissatisfaction. (Schmidt, 2013).

Music Video Analysis:

** Number Each Category and include word counts where noted

** Select a music video that will allow you to discuss all of the categories

Think of music videos like, Animals by maroon 5, blurred lines by Thicke, and many others.

2.Target Audience – discuss age, gender, income, education, what is the research/data that tell you this is the target audience?
3.Name of song/video
5.Record label
6.Sales blank And is the album ranked, ie. #1, #50, etc.
7.Artist Bio
8.Story video tells – Images & a few lyrics to support your main points
9.Sexual Objectification – describe 1 example in detail, be specific
10.Hyper-sexualization – describe 1 example in detail, be specific
11.How is gender represented? Examples of Gender Stereotypes – describe in detail (min. 150 words) include word count
12. Analysis – What are effects on our society, on masculinity & femininity, on perceptions of gender? Research one credible source on objectification theory. Use objectification theory in this discussion. Include a min. of one in-text citation from the source you research. (min. 200 words) Be sure to include word count.

Also note a complete works cited/references/bibliography, is required. Do not forget to include our class book in the works cited at the very end of the assignment. If you’re using an online citations generator the format should be for (APA Format).

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