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Demonstrate competence in the production of supporting documentation for the work.

Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing

Assessment Form

Module:                              CI6300                                                   Setter:

Title of Assignment:

Module weighting          10%

Submission details

Submission of coursework will be performed using Turnitin on Canvas.

Module Learning Outcomes assessed in this piece of coursework

This assessment is designed to assess your ability in the following module learning outcomes:

  • Plan, manage and control a substantial project including its critical appraisal
  • Investigate, analyse and define the problem either for a client or to support their own implementation, as appropriate
  • Demonstrate competence in the production of supporting documentation for the work

Assignment Brief and assessment criteria (these will be discussed within a formally timetabled class)

Under the guidance of your supervisor you should develop a Project Proposal to define the project’s scope, consider relevant objectives, propose how access to the necessary technologies will be gained, identify required resources, estimate the risks and constraints, list expected deliverables and milestones, etc.

The Project Proposal should be 1500-3000 words in length.  It comprises:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction and Background – what stakeholders and topics are concerned? What problem will you address? Why is the project important? What are the benefits to the stakeholders?  How does it relate to previous work and existing knowledge?
  • Aims and Objectives – What will the project deliver? Are there intermediate or enabling deliverables?
  • Technologies and Resources – list the major resources required. What technologies are you going to use?  Where will your data come from?
  • Method and Work plan –How will you use the technologies and resources to achieve your aims? Show the major phases of the project, milestones and deliverables. Consider major contingencies.  Generate a schedule using a Gantt chart or similar form.
  • Discussion regarding legal, ethical, societal and security issues relating to the project, as well as the need for ethical approval.

Note that a project that uses human subjects/data requires approval by the Faculty’s Research Ethics Committee. This includes projects that involve people surveys/questionnaires. Please seek advice from your Supervisor as you should allow enough time to apply for ethics approval.

Where relevant, proposals should clarify Intellectual Property Rights (Industrial or KU Research Hosts may wish to claim copyright, particularly if they pay the student for any work done), the arrangements for demonstrations, and approval for academic access to the code (it may be inspected to be assessed, and displayed to students and staff in the Kingston University library).

There are five assessment criteria:

  1. Introduction & Background
  2. Aim and objectives (how well they are defined and formulated)
  3. Technologies & Resources (reasons for decisions are stated, alternatives are mentioned)
  4. Method & Work Plan (appropriate method, feasible, complete)
  5. Discussion regarding legal, ethical, societal and security issues relating to the project


Grade Exceeded Expectations


Met Expectations


Close to Expectations


Below Expectations


Project proposal Performance in all criteria exceeded expectations Performance in all criteria either exceeded or met expectations Performance broadly met expectations Performance in some or most criteria was below expectations


Feedback (including details of how and where feedback will be provided)

Feedback will be provided both orally and in writing by the student’s supervisor by the marking deadline. Please see Dr Jean-Christophe Nebel if you have any questions about the feedback.

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