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Identify and thoroughly describe any standardized screening measures appropriate for screening the client. Discuss potential relevance and biases with multicultural populations.

Conceptualize Angela Evangelista, a transgender character from Netflix Series Pose.

  • Identification of additional data needed by the counselor to plan treatment for the client
  • Identify and thoroughly describe any standardized screening measures appropriate for screening the client.
    • Discuss potential relevance and biases with multicultural populations
    • Support your reason for choosing the screening instruments.
  • Discussion of differential diagnosis: identify the diagnoses that are confirmed and the diagnoses that must be ruled out
  • Discuss if there are co-occurring substance use disorders and medical or psychological disorders and potential impact
  • Identification of stage of change and defenses used by the client, with rationale provided
  • Identification of short-term goals for the client
  • Identification of long-term goals for the client
  • Detailed and specific treatment plan for the client
  • Discussion of ethical, family, and cultural considerations that may influence counseling of the client *this is especially important because she is transgender and has no familial support from her biological family. Her support comes from her boyfriend and tight nit circle of friends*
  • Discussion of potential counselor bias or countertransference issues that might impact the counseling process
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