Game Experience: Debrief (1/2 page)
Describe the manufacturer and distributor’s results based on debrief content that you have placed in the appendices of the paper.
Game Experience: Debrief Analysis (1/2 page)
Through research, analyze the results and apply to real-world applications. (research required)
Best Practices Supplier Selection (3/4 page)
Research best practices for supplier selection. (research required)
Connect with game results. Assess how actions of the manufacturer and distributor affected the supply chain. (research required)
Lean & Agile (3/4 page)
Explain how lean and agile techniques could help optimize the supply chain. (research required)
Screenshot and paste the Debriefs for each of the two games you played.
Manufacturer Role Game 1: Global results
Manufacturer Role Game 1: The four charts
Distributor Role Game 2: Global results
Distributor Role Game 2: The four charts