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Conduct research on an Interest Group then write a summarized analysis about that group.What circumstances caused this interest group to form? When did they form? What is its history?

Conduct research on an Interest Group then write a summarized analysis about that group. Post your summary and respond to at least two other posts to receive credit.

Find the following websites helpful in your research:

VoteSmart (Links to an external site.) – Get a list of Interest Groups and details about politicians and how they vote.

Follow The Money (Links to an external site.) – See where politicians get their contributions.

Use the following questions as guidance in your analysis:

What circumstances caused this interest group to form? When did they form? What is its history?
What incentives (solidary, material, or purposive) does this group offer members?
What type (economic, environmental, etc.) of interest group is it? Why?
What makes this interest group powerful (i.e. size and resources, leadership, cohesiveness, etc.)?
What congressperson(s) has/have this interest group supported? Why?
What bill(s) has this interest group been successful in influencing and/or opposing?

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