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Write one five-paragraph essay of 400 to 500 words arguing either in favor of or against the statement, “All scientific evidence is equally strong.”

Write one five-paragraph essay of 400 to 500 words arguing either in favor of or against the statement, “All scientific evidence is equally strong.”
You may write either a Reasons/Arguments essay OR an Examples essay. For either type essay, remember the following steps:
Begin by jotting down your three Reasons/Arguments or your three Examples.
Then, write your three Reasons/Arguments Paragraphs or your three Examples Paragraphs.
For each of your three Reasons/Arguments Paragraphs or each of your three Examples Paragraphs, write a Topic Sentence, three Supporting Sentences, and a Conclusion Sentence.
Then, write your essay’s Thesis Statement.
Then, write your essay’s Introduction Paragraph, including a hook.
Then, write your essay’s Conclusion Paragraph, in which you restate your Thesis Statement and end with something witty or profound.
Remember that all five of your paragraphs, your Introduction Paragraph, each of your three Reasons/Arguments Paragraphs or your three Examples Paragraphs, and your Conclusion Paragraph, must have a Topic Sentence, three Supporting Sentences, and a Conclusion Sentence

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