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What is the health teaching need- What service does the site provide -From website and considering census data Who identified the need- department of health, compared to national statistic?

What is the health teaching need- What service does the site provide -From website and considering census data

Who identified the need- department of health, compared to national statistic?

iii. How was the need identified- (for teaching) Statistics explain the process of justifying a reason for planning teaching

  1. What does the evidence say about this group and their teaching needs (application of evidence-based practice- cite research)- For example – older diabetics learn best by… or teens are most responsive to learning by having someone close to their age talk to them about their experience (have an article to site for this). Or any other justification for your teaching plan.
  2. Assessment of readiness (There may be possible constraints in assessing this area due to limited group availability or the setting). (10% = 5 x 2% each)
  3. Readiness- of population – depending of what they are teaching – diabetics more ready than those just getting screening. Are teens ready to learn? What factors influence the use of contraceptives in teens?
  4. Motivation- Age of client’s factors in. Prevention is not motivation; a recent MI (heart attack) is motivation. Example: Motivation was definitely one of several very important behavior elements in helping to control bloodpressure,” says researcher Laura P. Svetkey, MD, director of the HypertensionCenter at Duke University School of Medicine. “A little nudge in the right direction seems to go a long way in helping people lose weight, increase their physical activity, and eat healthier to lower their blood pressure and reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. And if it only takes a little nudge to get people motivated to be on the right track, that’s terrific. (Make sure you cite anything you use!!)

iii. Experiential background (previous teaching?)- Have they been told by health care providers in the past?  What will change their view to be open to learning this time?

  1. Current status (age intellectual level and/or educational level, etc)-describe the population you are teaching, how does this affect your teaching method. Teens, older perhaps high school educated, primarily Spanish speakers, homeless population (they have so many other factors in their life this may not be high on the list)
  2. Interest and actual and/or potential barriers to learning- Lack of transportation, homeless, poverty level, feel like it is out of their hands, fear of failure, lack of motivation, environment, lack of money to buy medications/go to appointments, etc
  1. Two Community/Group Diagnoses (10% = 2 x 5% each)- Nursing diagnoses appropriate for the teaching plan Explain why, not just listing, Each one should be a paragraph.
  2. Knowledge deficit
  3. Risk for infection
  1. Teaching Plan (40%)

Note. Teaching plan worth and strategies worth more percentage and more information is needed on teachings and strategies.

  1. Teaching project on time. What specific gains are you aiming for with your aggregate? (10%) – What is your goal in teaching the selected population? The Learning objective or objectives that you use can be based on three areas of learning: knowledge, skills and attitudes. Learning objectives define learning outcomes and focus teaching. They help to clarify, organize and prioritize learning. You need to explain why the objectives are appropriate for your patients/clients.
  2. 2 Objectives (10%)
  3. Teaching Strategies 15%:
  4. Identify at least 3 teaching strategies/methods student to use -(Q & A, pretest/post test, discussion, lecture, video, handouts, survey, case study, demo, role playing, ppt slides, poster board, web links, readings, self-report, group work, brain storming, visual aids, etc…) Explain why
  5. Multilanguage or pictures / diagrams
  6. Demonstration
  7. Compelling video
  8. Content based on literature review on reference page – 4 evidence-based resources within the past 5 years. Research on handwashing example – the health issue and relating it to population.

iii. APA Format.

  1. What financial needs to be in place in order to make the changes occur? – (5%) Go with the one that pertains to your client or case. Example, hand washing- if suggest more sinks financial need of buying sinks….plumbing… increase number of times washing hands more soap paper towel. Thinking about this…. Do you need to have a support group in the clinic on weekends or evenings- then it needs to be staffed for 1-2 hours, what does this cost?
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