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Briefly discuss barriers faced by people with disability, challenges faced by organizations to hire people with disability, give one or two examples of countries and international organizations which have an effective disability hiring/recruitment plan or strategy and what are they are doing differently from organizations in Australia.

ESSAY TOPIC – Are Organization in Australia diverse and inclusive in the context of Disability Recruitment/Hiring?




  • Briefly discuss barriers faced by people with disability, challenges faced by organizations to hire people with disability, give one or two examples of countries and international organizations which have an effective disability hiring/recruitment plan or strategy and what are they are doing differently from organizations in Australia;
  • Critical analysis and reflection and always relate back to the essay question
  • Discuss briefly benefits of employing people with disability
  • Few topics to cover – Social and Economic Models of Disability; Supply-side and demand-side of disability;
  • The Legal frameworks/laws in Australia should be correctly referred to and provide sections if included in the essay answer
  • The essay has to answer the question; Critically analyze while providing answer to the essay question
  • DO NOT provide recommendations list but can talk about in conclusion if mentioned it in the essay
  • A good quality Essay ought to reflect thoughtful and wide reading, suggesting that at least 20 sources are used.
  • Footnotes and appendices may be used for explanatory purposes but are counted towards the word limit.
  • A Table of Contents (optional), Abstract (optional), Headings and Sub-Headings, Tables, Charts, Diagrams and the Reference List do not count towards the word limit.



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