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What makes these situations clear-cut or unclear about the proper course of action. Would you have made a similar choice as the social worker at this agency? If so, why?

Look at your text on page 76, Exercise IV “What is Wrong Here?” Taking into account the required readings you had this week, read the following scenario (#2) and decide where there was a lapse in good judgment or a lapse in sound ethical behavior. Where are the gray areas? What makes these situations clear-cut or unclear about the proper course of action. Would you have made a similar choice as the social worker at this agency? If so, why?

Make sure your submission has a minimum of 450 words and put some depth in your answers or you will lose significant points.

A human service worker/social worker is asked to plan a recreational activity for elderly residents at the nursing home where she works. She is not sure what type of activity to arrange for them, but finally decides to do a program on supplemental Medicare insurance. It so happens that she has a close friend who sells supplemental Medicare insurance.

At the event, her friend gives a complete explanation of the insurance she is selling and hands out brochures explaining her business and all the benefits they can offer individuals on Medicare. At the end, she hands out her business cards and states that she is available for anymore questions they might have about insurance. What are the ethical issues here (if any)?

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