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‘What are the parameters and requirements of work in Australia’s media and communications industries?’ 


To design a 3-page (two pages of INFOGRAPHIC and one page of references on A4) illustrated profile of media work in Australia. The profile will answer the question, ‘What are the parameters and requirements of work in Australia’s media and communications industries?’ 


You are expected to accurately draw on a maximum of 4-6 sources in designing your profile of media work, including the FYA’s (2018) The New Work Reality Report (Links to an external site.) and the Australian Government’s Job Outlook (Links to an external site.) website. You are expected to identify and discuss the parameters and requirements of work in one media or communications career in a persuasive argument. Your argument should address at least one debatable issue about media or communications work. You are expected to write in your own words and find/create images to identify, discuss and illustrate your work profile. Do not simply reproduce content from FYA research reports or Job Outlook. You are expected to provide complete and correct source attribution according to APA 6th style. For anonymous marking, you are expected to ONLY use your student identification number (SID) in the assignment file name and file contents.

The profile should contain 500 words of text (including citations) and images. The images are equivalent to 250 words. The Reference list, on the third page, is not included in the word count.

Alignment with learning outcomes

  • Students will be able to demonstrate disciplinary literacy in media political economy.
  • Students will be able to identify and discuss the parameters and requirements of work in Australia’s media and comms industries.
  • Students will be able to communicate learning outcomes in diverse formats including discussion and debate in lectures and tutorials, conceptual media production, and academic writing.

Learning support

The FYA’s (2018) The New Work Reality Report (Links to an external site.) and the Australian Government’s Job Outlook (Links to an external site.) website provide important background information, data, and debatable issues for this assignment. Job Outlook introduces specific media and comms careers, their ‘vital’ statistics, labour market trends, employment projections and job titles. FYA introduces ‘the new realities of work’ for all younger people (under 25 years), ranging from factors that can accelerate getting a job, barriers to work (including all forms of discrimination), important skill-sets and capabilities, and career patterns. Both sources provide examples of ‘illustrations’, including diagrams, data graphs, icons, illustrations and break-out boxes. Other topic areas you may want to explore include wages and conditions, employment security, entrepreneurialism, self-branding, flexibility/’flexploitation’, networking, professional associations, and/or the value and meaning of media work.

In terms of definitions, parameters are factors that limit, constrain and or shape career possibilities (for example, labour market trends, lack of jobs, precarious employment, media sector decline, advertising etc.). Requirements are what it takes to meet employer demands/occupational expectations and get a job (for example, your qualifications, skills, knowledge, attitudes, work experience, career management, mindset).

In addition, the lectures and tutorial materials studied in the first six weeks will assist you in identifying a precise focus for your answer, and locating relevant sources to substantiate your analysis and successfully complete this task.


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