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What assessment instruments would best accomplish those goals? Look up actual assessment instruments that are used (and cite them properly!).

The paper guidelines:
1. Choose a theoretical approach:
(A) psychodynamic, (B) humanistic, (C) cognitive-behavioral.
Based on the chosen approach, and the specific case presented on Anna B., go through the assessment procedure (figure below) by answering the following questions:
2. What should the goals of this assessment be? Consider the referral source, referral
question, and presenting problem(s). (step I)
3. What assessment instruments would best accomplish those goals? Look up actual assessment instruments that are used (and cite them properly!). (step II)
4. Consider the variety of possible assessment data that can be collected (table 3.2 below).
What would be most appropriate for this client? (step III)
5. What are the possible ethical constraints ? You can cite the APA Ethics Code. (steps I-V)
6. What are the possible cultural constraints ? You can cite multicultural assessment research. (steps I-V)

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