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Is there anything you learned that surprised you? Explain what it was, and why it surprised you. 6 Is there anything you were hoping to learn relating to misinformation in the election that you did not learn? Why do you think it wasn’t covered (make an educated guess)?

This is a more complex one to complete! But the fun part, is that you have 2 choices as to what you do. Make sure you read everything completely so you can make an informed decision that fits your interests.

There’s A LOT on this page. You don’t have to do it all for this assignment. Look through the page and choose one of the following 2 options:

Sign up for the (free) text message course on disinformation. (NOTE: This course lasts 2 weeks, so you’d need to choose this option early on so you can answer the questions about it before the assignment is due. No extensions will be given for this assignment if you didn’t sign up early enough.)
First Draft News had a 3-day event on reporting on the election and misinformation called Infotheque 2020. Go to that page (LINK HERE (https://firstdraftnews.org/long-form-article/infotheque/)) and view all the videos and text before answering the questions.

Once you have completed your choice above, answer the following questions:

1 Which of the options above did you choose?
2 The two options were quite different. What do you consider the strength of the option you chose and why?
3 Was the information provided by your option helpful in identifying misinformation related to the 2020 US Election? Why or why not?
4 Choose what you consider to be the most useful skill or concept you learned. Why did you choose this skill/concept? What is its significance?
5 Is there anything you learned that surprised you? Explain what it was, and why it surprised you.
6 Is there anything you were hoping to learn relating to misinformation in the election that you did not learn? Why do you think it wasn’t covered (make an educated guess)?

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