FAS 3327 Research Project Rubric Grading Criteria:
Writing Mechanics and Organization:
Was the paper organized and formatted as specified in the assignment? (APA Format) 10 points
Additionally: Was the paper the appropriate length?
o The report is to be in Word Format, 8 to 10 pages, a minimum of 8; (2000-3000 words) excluding Title and References Page. Each missing page (a page is 250 – 300 words) may be a minus of up to 12 points.
o Was the paper easy to follow, legible, using proper grammar and spelling, etc.? Points will be deducted for poor organization (2 points for each error); spelling and grammar (1 point for each error).
A) Store Aesthetics & Target Market
Did the written report clearly explain the aesthetics of the new retail store created and its target market?
Did the written report explain why each inspirational designer was a great and how their aesthetic translated to the current store?
7 TP points
B) Store floor Layout & Display of each designer dept.:
There is to be a floor layout/plan display that includes the 3 designer departments, a written and visual description. The display in each dept. is to be clearly described and displayed. The visual section may be a sketch, photo or collage. 5 TP points
C) Merchandise:
Did the paper create a department of apparel and accessories for each inspirational designer? Was it appropriately stocked with contemporary products?
Were the contemporary garments and accessories for each designer detailed and explained?
= 20 points for each designer = 60 points
8 TP Points
D) Advertising Copy:
Did the paper provide the needed details of the promotion to the local media? 5 TP points
E) Research:
Was there appropriate and in-depth research and property cited?
Did the Research include professional trade sources found in our Berkeley Library and were these clearly stated in the References’ (cited sources) Page?
Was the research reviewed with Turnitin on sources?
8 TP Points