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What have you put in your plan and why? How does it link to their needs/wants and abilities and why is this important?

PSE5014 – 2017/18

Physical Activity Plan and Rationale

This assignment consists of TWO main elements:

A 6 week Physical Activity Plan for one person encountered on placement

A rationale explaining and justifying your choice of physical activities specific to the needs and wants of your chosen individual (3000 words)

You must also include TWO appendices:

Work placement log (15hrs special populations – PSE5002)

Personal reflections on the guest speaker sessions (x reflections total of approx. 200 words)

General Guidance:

Physical Activity Plan:

6 week activity plan appropriate to the individual needs and wants of your participant. You may wish to use the below template as a starting point.


The purpose of this rationale is for you to demonstrate your understanding of issues in disability within the context of PE, sport and physical activity and apply this understanding to a specific case.

You must show that you are aware of the different models of disability, what the implications are when they are applied to sport/PE/PA and your plan.

You must also show that you are aware of the specific issues which might be encountered by individuals with the needs of your chosen case and what could be done to overcome them.

The rationale will be structured in the same way as an essay (introduction, main body and conclusion) but the important thing to remember is that a rationale is different from an essay in that you are not trying to analyse a range of views, but instead you are explaining and justifying why you have designed your plan the way it is whilst also consideration various viewpoints.

You MUST use literature, research, theory, models and examples to back all of your points throughout your rationale.


Introduction (approx. 10%) 

Puts your activity plan in context, introduces current issues in disability sport and guides your reader through the rest of your essay:

You may wish to (briefly) consider things like:

  • The background context for this assignment.
  • What is the focus of your assignment and what are you going to cover and why?
  • What do we mean by disability?
  • What are models of disability and how has thinking changed?
  • How might these be relevant to Sport/PE/PA?

Main Body (Introduce plan and rationale for plan):

 You will need to consider things like:

  • Who is your individual and what context can you give? NOTE: Confidentiality – false names etc.
  • What opportunities are available for participation, competition and progression for your individual?
  • What does literature/research say about activity for your person and their needs/wants?
  • What have you put in your plan and why? How does it link to their needs/wants and abilities and why is this important?
  • Barriers, support, interventions and policies which would enable your plan to be carried out.
  • How does your plan address any issues? This might include person-specific issues, general issues and PE/Sport/PA issues. Don’t forget to consider how to maximize abilities as well as minimize barriers.
  • How your plan links to literature/research and models of disability.


  • What are the key points that you wish to summarize and leave the reader with?


You may wish to use the below template as a starting framework for your 6 week activity plan. You may wish to include and plot what they are already doing.

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