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What are your biggest challenges when looking for cooking instructions online? What type of devices do you use the most when looking for cooking instructions?

1- How often do you look for cooking instructions online?

2- What type of devices do you use the most when looking for cooking instructions?

3- How often do you cook?

4- When you think about becoming a better cook, what comes to mind?/ What are the characteristics of a good cook? (​in case they don’t provide details initially​)

5- Why do you want to be a better cook?

6- What do you believe is a barrier for you to become a better cook?

7- What are your biggest challenges when looking for cooking instructions online?

8- What would be your ideal way to see cooking instructions?


1- How often do you look for cooking instructions online? Every time she wants to make a recipe “that does not consist of mixing my leftovers together”. That happens about once a week. Sometimes she will just mix a few vegetables together, when trying to be healthy.

2- What type of devices do you use the most when looking for cooking instructions?Only the smartphone (iPhone). Sometimes she might look for something on her laptop initially,but then she opens the same page on her smartphone when she is ready to cook. She said the phone is more convenient to take to the kitchen.

3- How often do you cook?About 3 times a week, usually. It is always very simple, quick things. She will try to cook something new at least once a week (sometimes it does not happen, when she is very busy with work).

4- When you think about becoming a better cook, what comes to mind?/ What are the characteristics of a good cook? (​in case they don’t provide details initially​)“Healthy future” comes to mind. She imagines herself with many good pans and kitchen tools and appliances that she would be able to use skillfully.Characteristics: someone that is confident to know when to use each ingredient and how to cook it the best way.

5- Why do you want to be a better cook?Because she wants to be healthier. She wants to avoid eating fast food or take outs in general.She does not have enough time to cook sometimes, so she chooses the faster option.

6- What do you believe is a barrier for you to become a better cook?She said she is busy with other things (work, study), so she does not prioritize it. She believes that the fact that she does not cook very well now contributes to the fact that she keeps pushing it away. Also, the fact that she is busy with work and sometimes gets home very late.

7- What are your biggest challenges when looking for cooking instructions online?The blogs with recipes have way too much information. It is hard to find the cooking instructions specifically. She has the impression that the text contains information that she needs to read to be come a better cook, but she does not have the patience to read it all.

8- What would be your ideal way to see cooking instructions?Simple text, with explanation of some terms related to cooking. Detailed photographs or videos certainly would help (especially images showing when to stop cooking a certain thing and how it looks like when a certain step is done). She needs something that “pushes” her to cook more.Interview with Participant 2 (P2)Participant 1 is 32 years old, female, and lives alone.This participant was a good fit for the interview because they already cook often and are a very good cook, but want to improve even more.


1- How often do you look for cooking instructions online?Probably two to three times a week. She explains she is starting a business and she is cooking lunch for people in her apartment complex. She has to look at cooking instructions for the new things she wants to try to make sure she is not forgetting anything.

2- What type of devices do you use the most when looking for cooking instructions?Usually a tablet (Microsoft Surface). PDFs of classes she has taken. She likes to see videos too,on her free time. She also likes to use physical books.

3- How often do you cook?Every day, different dishes. She also cooks for family and friends once in a while. She will sometimes spend almost the whole day cooking.

4- When you think about becoming a better cook, what comes to mind?/ What are the characteristics of a good cook? (​in case they don’t provide details initially​)Jamie Oliver, which was her inspiration to start cooking more. It also represents a dream, and the fact when she cooks something good, that brings her family and friends together and everybody is in a good mood.Characteristics: knowing how each ingredient “works”, being organized, and creative.

5- Why do you want to be a better cook?She loves cooking, so she always wants to improve. Now she also wants to expand her business. She wants to learn new recipes that can give her an advantage.

6- What do you believe is a barrier for you to become a better cook?

Because she has to cook almost everyday for her business, she has less time to experiment with things that she is uncertain if her clients are going to like. She might get too comfortable doing things she is already an expert at.

7- What are your biggest challenges when looking for cooking instructions online?There are a lot of inconsistencies, and she has to test some things before figuring out what works best for her. She doesn’t like when there are too many details or personal stories when she only wants to see the recipe.

8- What would be your ideal way to see cooking instructions?In a big screen in her kitchen. She wishes she could use voice commands while cooking and trying to get all the different parts of the dishes ready.​​Cooking has to be fun.

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