Learning Outcomes
Assessment |
LO1:Demonstrate a masterly grasp of the topic area researched. | Assessment 1 |
LO2: Demonstrate skills of analysis, evaluation, critical reflection, synthesis and conceptualization. | Assessment 1 |
LO3:Critically assess the results of the research against the objectives. | Assessment 1 |
LO4:Review future actions to improve the organizations standing regarding the strategic issue/problem. | Assessment 1 |
What is the impact of Training and Development on Employee Job Performance?
Assignment Brief:
You will be allocated to a learning set so that you and a number of your peers meet regularly with your supervisor to discuss issues of concern or any that lack clarity. You will be expected to submit draft work for regular feedback from your tutor. You are encouraged to interact freely and in a candid fashion with your peers to maximise opportunities for informal learning. Draft work will usually be the focus of the supervisory meetings and the relevant materials (MBA dissertations) from the University’s repository will also be a source of insight into the presentational format, respective length of sections and academic writing style expected. Draft work will be commented on in a timely fashion by supervisors and returned to you.
Self discipline and good time management skills (to complete the required tasks on an agreed timescale will be at a premium as you near completion of your dissertation.
The final project report should follow the following structure
- Title page
- Summary
- Contents Page
- List of tables
- List of Figures
- Introduction
- Literature review, development of the conceptual framework.
- Research Methodology
- Main Body of the Report: findings and critical analysis
- Conclusions
- Recommendations and alternative courses of action considered.
- Implementation plans
- Appendices
- Bibliography
Title Page :
STUDENT NAME Project submitted in part fulfilment of the Master of Business Administration
Summary or abstract
This is a summary of about 250 words which describes the problem under investigation and aims of the study. It should briefly identify the main conclusions and recommendations.
Contents Page
This should show the reader how the report is structured and how the author has developed their approach to the problem.
List of Tables & Figures
It is likely that you will want to use tables or diagrams to present information. If these are directly relevant to your argument include them in the main body rather than the appendices.
In such cases it is conventional to provide a special “content page” which identify clearly where tables and figures are located.
The introduction should set the context and tone for the rest of the project; you should outline the reasons which caused the problem to be identified. It should give a broad introduction to the organisation and the topic under review and the issues raised.
The main point is to set clear objectives, which you are seeking to achieve at the end of the report. These need to be concise and precise.
Finally you need to give an outline description of how the structure of the report allows you to explore the problem.
Literature review and the development of a conceptual framework
You will need to provide a discussion of the concepts and demonstrate in this section that you have carried out thorough review of the literature.
The review should critically examine the relevant literature and from this develop a conceptual framework that will be used to analyse the situation under investigation.
This section should provide a critical discussion of the research methods and approaches considered and the justification of the research design developed.
The issue of triangulation and validity in the research design need to be covered in detail together with a critical discussion and evaluation of the design framework.
Any limitations in the research design that emerged from the investigation should be acknowledged.
Findings and analysis
The findings should be presented clearly and concisely, you should provide a discussion of your findings and analyse these using the conceptual framework so that you are able to evaluate the problems and issues facing the organisation.
You should ensure that you have examined all the issues relevant to the topic and demonstrate that your arguments are drawn from your own research and linked to the academic concepts discussed in the previously in 2.6.
In addition you should include a discussion about the alternatives courses of action available and their feasibility, desirability and acceptability to the organisation.
Your conclusions should naturally flow from the findings, discussion and analysis in the main body of the report. The conclusions should include a summary of your main arguments, which can be brought to bear on the defined objectives of the study.
The recommendations should flow from the conclusions, they should be feasible and practical, where costs are likely to be incurred there needs to be a justification of the likely benefits. In addition you need to consider and identify the possible human, political and managerial implications of any recommendations.
Implementation Plans
You will need to identify how any recommendations will be implemented and you should develop an implementation strategy, which illustrates that you have considered potential difficulties and identified appropriate ways of dealing with them. You need to include a timetable for implementing your recommendations.
In your appendices you should include information, which provides additional support to the discussion in the main body of the report. They should be numbered and given titles, which indicate their content and be clearly referenced in the main body of the report.
References should be Harvard style – please refer to the Library pamphlet “How to write a bibliography”
Dissertation Check List
Area | Questions | Comments |
Introduction | The strategic issue is clear and defined
I have clear research questions/objectives All information is relevant to the context of my research question |
Literature Review
& Conceptual Framework |
I have used relevant and Current literature
I have analysed and critiqued the literature I have included theoretical frameworks I have used my analysis and critique to apply it my research question/topic It is structured and logical in context I have referenced all information in an academic manner
Research Methodology | I have chosen an appropriate method that is linked to my research question
I have critically analysed my decision on my choice of method including why it is valid, reliable for data collection in my area I have justified my sample size I have discussed/acknowledged limitations I have have discussed ethics and completed an ethics form |
Findings & Analysis | I have presented results/findings that are relevant to my research question
I have presented the results/findings in a clear manner I have discussed/critiqued the validity/reliability of my data I have critically analysed, evaluated and discussed the findings I have made clear links between the findings and literature (or conceptual frame) |
Conclusions and Recommendations | I have summarised the research findings and made conclusions
I have made suggestions for further research if appropriate I have made recommendations to address the issues in my research/finding The recommendations are: • prioritised • feasible/do-able and challenges are discussed. |
Overall | The dissertation is structured as advised by the tutor/handbook
Each section is organised with information in a logical order Each section links clearly to the research question I have explained all acronyms I have referenced all sources of information in an academic manner I have used a minimum of 40 academic references I have used Harvard referencing consistently
Secondary Research Level HE7 – It is expected that the Reference List will contain between fifteen to twenty sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should includefour refereed academic journals andfiveacademic books.
Specific Assessment Criteria:
First class: This piece of work shows evidence of wider research with reference to a number of differing academic viewpoints. The essay has recognised relevantly and discussed in detail, all the required external environmental factors which affect the management operation of mega events. Several reasoned and logical arguments have been developed well and supported by a wide range of appropriately researched literature. Reference to two or more academic models is clear, relevant and informative. Presentation is of a high standard, and in the appropriate essay style. The high number of appropriate sources has been referenced accurately and to a high standard.
10. Indicative Reading:
Saunders, M., Thornhill, A. and Lewis, P. (2012) Research Methods for Business Students, 4th Edition, Harlow: FT Prentice Hall, 6th edition
See electronic books below:
Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, R, and Jackson, P. R. (2008) Management Research,
Sage (3rd Ed)
Bryman, A. and Bell, E. Business Research Methods, OxfordUniversity Press (2nd Ed).
Available from e-Books Collection:
Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2009) Research Methods for Business Students, Pearson Education (4th Ed) is available via the e-books collection at:
Lancaster, G.A. (2005) Research Methods in Management: A Concise Introduction to Research in Management & Business Consultancy, Elsevier Science is available via the e-books collection at:
Collis J. and Hussey, R. (2003) Business Research – a practical guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students (2nd Ed) Palgrave Macmillan is available via the e-books collection at:
Fisher, C. Buglear, J. Lowry, D. Mutch, A and Tansley, C. (2004) Researching & Writing a Dissertation for Business Students, Pearson Education is available via the e-books collection at:
Other Useful Sources
- Bryman, A (2001), Social research methods, Oxford University Press.
- Cassell, C. and Symon, G. (2004) Essential Guide to Qualitative Methods in Organizational Research, Sage, London.
- Colis, J and Hussey, R (2003), Business Research: a practical guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students, Macmillan Press.
- Cox, J.W. and Hassard, J. (2005) Triangulation in Organizational Research: A Re-Presentation, Organization, 12 (1) 109-133.
- Jankowicz, A D (2005) Business research projects, 4th Ed, Thompson Business Press. .
- Kumar, R. (2005) Research Methodology, London, Sage.
- Lancaster, G. (2005) Research Methods in Management, Elsevier Butterworth, Amsterdam.
- Quinton, S. and Smallbone, T. (2006) Postgraduate Research In Business, Sage.
- Robson, C (2002), Real world research, 2nd Ed, Blackwell.
- Sekaran, U (2003), Research Methods for business: a skill building approach, 3rd Ed, J Wiley.
- Silverman, D (2001) Interpreting qualitative data, Sage.
- Yin, R.K. (1989) Case Study Research: Design and Methods, London: Sage. 2nd Edition.
General Assessment Guidelines Level HE7 (for cohorts starting from September 2015 onwards)
Relevance | Knowledge | Argument/Analysis | Structure | Presentation | Written English | Research/Referencing | |||
DISTINCTION | Excellent Quality | 70+ | Directly relevant to title/brief.
Expertly addresses implications and assumptions of the title/brief. |
Demonstrates an exceptional knowledge of theory and practice for this level.
Expertly interprets appropriate concepts and theoretical models. Demonstrates originality in conceptual understanding. |
Presents a comprehensive critique of key research material resulting in clear, original and illuminating conclusions. Demonstrates distinctive and creative thinking.
Produces exceptional work that makes a contribution to the development of knowledge and understanding in the subject area. |
Coherently articulated and logically structured.
An appropriate format is used. |
Excellent presentational style & layout, appropriate to the type of assignment.
Effective inclusion of figures, tables, plates (FTP).
Fluently written answer with standard spelling and grammar.Style is clear, resourceful and academic.
An excellent range of contemporary and relevant academic sources are drawn upon. All sources accurately cited in the text and a extensive appropriate reference list/ bibliography in the correct style is provided. |