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Draw on what you’ve read in the textbook or your own experiences: how can a focus on purposeful careers help or hurt people as they enter early and middle adulthood? Identify one way such a focus helps people and one way such a focus hurts people.

1. Is purpose necessary in a career? Include in your response:

How you personally define purpose? How you personally define career (do you consider a career the same as a job?)?

2. Draw on what you’ve read in the textbook or your own experiences: how can a focus on purposeful careers help or hurt people as they enter early and middle adulthood? Identify one way such a focus helps people and one way such a focus hurts people.

3. Choose either what you identified as a way a focus on purposeful careers helps OR hurts people. Then, think back to adolescence: what is one way that our education system could be changed to better help adolescents prepare for entering the workforce, should they choose or need to?

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