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Find and discuss at least one historical incident of human subjects abuse in research and what human right was violated.


Evidence based research involving human subjects requires that researchers be cognizant of the important tenets necessary to protect subjects from abuse, harm, injury, and/or other undesirable outcomes resulting from the research process.  Based on this fact, write a minimum of 2 pages (Title page and Reference not included in page count) of an APA formatted paper answering the following questions in details:

  1. Historical background of human subjects protection? (10 points)
  2. Find and discuss at least one historical incident of human subjects abuse in research and what human right was violated (10 points)
  3. What steps you will take to minimize risks on human subjects? (10 points)
  4. What population are considered vulnerable population and why? (10 points)
  5. What are appropriate ways to recruit subjects? (10 points)
  6. How would you properly obtain consent? (10 points)
  7. What are the elements of a properly executed consent? (10 points)
  8. What committees are responsible for monitoring the protection of human subjects? (10 points)


Total Content Points: 80 points

Title page and a minimum of 3 References to support your work: 10 points

Minimum of at least three sentences or more to answer each question: 10 points



NOTE: This is a paper assignment and “NOT” a YES or NO answer assignment, you are expected to explain each question in detail, a single sentence will not earn any points! Title and Reference pages are required.

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