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Write body paragraphs for your paper and try to use both concepts of unity, topic sentences and transitions, and at least one strategy for developing paragraphs.

Topic: Zero tolerance for school violence policy

Thesis: The zero-tolerance policy firmly abides by one-and-you’re-out but is this policy being used to target minorities, disabled, and academically challenged students.

Requirements for Paper:
Requirements for Intro: Think about the needs of your paper and write the introduction to your
paper in one (or a combination) of these styles:
The Inverted Triangle, “Funnel Introduction”
The Narrative Introduction
The Interrogative Introduction
Mind the Gap/ Outlining the Niche Introduction

Requirements for Body Paragraphs:
Write body paragraphs for your paper and try to use both concepts of unity, topic sentences and transitions, and at least one strategy for developing paragraphs.
Strategies to Create Unity:
Topic Sentences
Repetition of Key Words
Critical Strategies to Develop Paragraphs:
Examples and illustrations
Analyze texts
Tell narratives or anecdotes
Define Terms
Make Comparisons

Requirements for Conclusion: Write a conclusion to your paper that uses one or more of the four strategies listed:
So What? Explain Importance/ Synthesize.
Pose Questions for Future Research or Study/ What Now?
Echo the Introduction
Call to Action
Use Quotations to Amplify your Main Point

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