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Use Google Scholar to find two peer reviewed scientific research articles about the predator-prey relationship between these two species.

This will tie in the work you have done in iNaturalist with the concept of Community Ecology. Now that you have selected a species and its predator/prey in iNaturalist, use Google Scholar to find two peer reviewed scientific research articles about the predator-prey relationship between these two species. Type “scholar” into Google and it takes you to Google Scholar. Now type in the scientific binomial of both species and a few search terms such as ”Predator-Prey Interaction” “Population Impact” or “Change to Habitat Use”. Now read through the titles of the top articles that seem to include these terms and describe the impact of one on the other (its ok if other species are mentioned since they may be a surrogate for a similar comparison with your species). Its best to focus on the articles with a PDF icon somewhere. From these, select two that seem most relevant to helping you understand the nature of the spatial or temporal interaction between these two species.

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