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As an appellant, prepare a tabbed or paginated bundle of documents for ground 1, and also a skeleton argument for the moot.

As an appellant, prepare a tabbed or paginated bundle of documents (i.e. copies of any legislation and authorities that you will refer to) for ground 1, and also a skeleton argument for the moot. The bundle and skeleton argument should be emailed to me and to your opponent team before the moot. I will not be strict about the two page limit for the skeleton argument, but please keep it as concise as possible.

We will run through the moot twice per workshop, so everyone will need to prepare for both mooting workshops and you will get feedback at each (on your skeleton argument and also on your oral advocacy).
Workshop 8 – Winter v Alive Fashion (Supreme Court)
The Appellants team are representing Alive Fashion (which is appealing on the following two grounds) and the Respondents team are representing Gabrielle Winter (who resists the appeal).

Appeal Ground 1: The Court of Appeal Judges erred in concluding that Amelia was employed by Alive Fashion.
Appeal Ground 2: Even if Amelia was found to be employed by Alive Fashion then the action of Amelia was insufficient to satisfy the closeness of connection test.

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