To complete this essay you will need to be able to explain briefly what social constructionism is. You then need to use the material on the guided reading to provide an analysis of how social constructionist ideas might be used to challenge what organizations currently do in terms of interviews. You should also provide a brief explanation of how we might rethink interviews on the basis of your analysis.
Some basic pointers:
2. You need to be able to use the literature to develop your analysis. You will need, for instance, to look at what the mainstream literature has to say about recruitment and then use social constructionist ideas to challenge and question this mainstream view, using relevant literature to support and illustrate your arguments.
3. It is probably a good idea to start your essay by briefly explaining the rationale behind recruitment that is, what do organizations hope to achieve by, say, conducting interviews. If you start the essay like this, it will help you identify some of the assumptions that underpin these goals and to think about how to use social conctructionism to challenge them. What, for instance, do job interviews assume about jobs and people (person job-fit discourse)?
Mention the two types of interviews (structured, unstructured) and some of their characteristics and say why they have poor predictive validity which is due to impression management (interviewee), bias (interviewer), more importantly homophily and range restriction, inaccuracies in how competencies are identified and measured (this is the mainstream literature viewpoint)