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To what extent does the guidance in relation to ‘making safeguarding personal’ evidence and promote choice, control, and independence?

To what extent does the guidance in relation to ‘making safeguarding personal’ evidence and promote choice, control, and independence?

To what extent does the guidance in relation to ‘making safeguarding personal’ evidence and promote choice, control, and independence. How does this then link with the philosophy of The Care Act (2014)

can include: Human Rights, care act, equality act, Anti oppressive and discriminatory practice, person centered, mental capacity act,

Specific Assessment Criteria:

use a variety of reference sources such as books, journals (can also include more reference if needed)

Apply a critical analysis to the work (this means applying and critiquing the theories / models / concepts you discuss. 2/3 should be analysis (critique)

Students will provide an in-depth appraisal of their understanding of social work practice linked to theory demonstrating excellent critical and reasoning skills. Focused and justified recommendations will be made as to how complex dilemmas identified in relation to rights may be overcome, and how people can be involved in decision making. Extensive research demonstrating use of a wide range of current secondary research sources will be evident. Academic style and referencing will be excellent.

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