Site One: The Panama Canal Museum – First, read over the Timeline of Events to become acquainted with the scope of the project. Next, navigate to Browse the Digital Collection. Here, select one primary source (picture, video, artifact, document) and consider how this thing helps give meaning to the history of the canal.
Site Two: Smithsonian Libraries Make the Dirt Fly! – Click through the introductory photographs and read the captions. Once you reach the main page, select a minimum of four sections to read from Why Build a Canal through Did You Know . They are all good and the pictures and maps can all be enlarged. Describe the different sections and photos. What was interesting, unusual, surprising, etc.? No need to give statistics, but if you do, remember to use direct quotes.
In your essay, please list or otherwise state which four sections you have read.
After examining both sites and taking very brief notes while you’re reading, log off the site and write an essay about what you found interesting. Cover all of the required segments but do not summarize.