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Analyse entrepreneurial development programmes accessed in business management.

.1 Explain the role of the entrepreneur in business.1.2 Describe the entrepreneurial process utilised in business management.

1.3 Analyse theories of entrepreneurship used in business.

2. Understand the promotion of a venture in business. 2.1 Explain opportunity analysis and environmental analysis of a venture in business 2.2 Analyse the various sources of funding available to abusiness. 2.3 Explain factors impacting on a venture in business.

3. Understand entrepreneurial behaviour in business.

3.1 Explain entrepreneurial behaviour patterns in business management.

3.2 Analyse entrepreneurial development programmes accessed in business management.

4. Understand role of the entrepreneur in business.

4.1 Explain role of the entrepreneur in economic growth in a business.

4.2 Describe the role of innovation in business.

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