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Give an example of how one of your learners may have struggled in inter language stage, or even used their native language to assist them in acquiring English. You may draw on your own personal language acquisition experience as well.

Week 1 Written essay: CHOOSE

(a) Vygotsky’s Theory- Zone of Proximal Development.
P. 89 #3 Respond in two pages.
Resources: Ch. 3 Making it Happen; Vygotsky PowerPoint

(b) Inter language: Give an example of how one of your learners may have struggled in inter language stage, or even used their native language to assist them in acquiring English. You may draw on your own personal language acquisition experience as well.

Resources: Ch. 2 Making it Happen p. 46-53; Inter language Blog (LaQua); CLAD Handbook pp. Ch. 1 pp. 5-13, Ch. 3 pp. 44, 48-49, 52, and pp. 73-77

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