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Given the information below about crop production in von Thunen’s “Isolated State”,Express the relationship between location rent and distance for each crop.

Given the information below about crop production in von Thunen’s “Isolated State”, answer the following questions about land use.  
  Corn Wheat Rice  
                                   Q Bushels per acre 75 100 125  
                                    P Price per bushel 15 12 9  
                                    c Cost per bushel 6 8 2  
                                    f transport cost per bushel per mile 5 2 5  
                                    K miles from the market
                        1. Express the relationship between location rent and distance for each crop.  
                        2. What is the location rent associated with each crop at the market?  
                        3. What is the spatial extent of production for each crop?  
                       4. Graph location rent as a function of distance.  


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