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Evaluate the systemic causes of problems in, and develop solutions for, improving organizational performance, using concepts from the Theory of Constraints.

©2015 Walden University 1
SP005: Constraint Management and System Optimization: Evaluate the systemic causes of problems in, and develop solutions for, improving organizational performance, using concepts from the Theory of Constraints.
Assessment Rubric 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations Part I: Diagnosing Organization-Wide Performance Issues Sub-Competency 1: Diagnose systemic problems in organizational performance using appropriate concepts from a Theory of Constraints perspective.
Learning Objective 1.1:
Describe a business context that can benefit from performance and constraint analysis.
Description of a business context that can benefit from performance and constraint analysis is missing.
Description provides basic, generic details about the organization.
Details include some information about the industry and products/services the organization offers.
The response contains vague information about the overall operational and financial health of the organization.
The response contains a shallow qualitative summary of how the organization operates to fulfill its commitments to customers.
Description contains specific details about the organization, including:
 The industry and the products and services the organization offers
 General information about the overall operational and financial health of the organization
 A clear, qualitative summary of how the organization operates to fulfill its commitments to customers
The response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2”, plus the following:
The response contains a detailed systems diagram or strategy map of the organization that illustrates its current operational health.
Learning Objective 1.2:
Synthesize TOC-based management concepts
Synthesis of TOC-based management concepts with an analysis of a
The response contains fewer than six passages from assigned document
The response contains at least six passages from assigned document and
The response demonstrates the same level of achievement as

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