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Explain how three philosophical theories could be put into practice

My paper came back with an F 36%

There are 8 grading sections.

Below is how the paper was graded and points received. Also, there is comments as to why it was graded the way it was graded.

They are allowing one more chance to get this right. Please Please, read and follow what was instructed. If you have questions, please email me. I am counting on this grade, because I do not get this class at all and my exam is Friday. I need to pass. I am counting on your intelligence to see me through this.


Project Submission #35434

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May 7, 2019 10:20:49 AM PDT

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Project Rubric


36 /100



Summative Comment

This project requires application of three philosophies within the explanation of three fictional societies, each of which is based on one of the three philosophies. Strengths and weaknesses of these imaginary societies should be realized, and insights should show how each philosophy, if applied, would impact one’s own community. While a wealth of philosophical insights are shared, the content, as a whole, lacks alignment with the expectations set forth in the instructions, largely because of the focus on branches of philosophy, as opposed to three specific philosophies and how societies molded after them would look.

Journal = 84.0%

Evaluation Item Unsatisfactory

0 – 59%

60 – 69% 70 – 89% Outstanding

90 – 100%

Explain how three philosophical theories could be put into practice Provides descriptions of three philosophical societies’ appearances and inhabitants that do not adequately or accurately differentiate between them; or provides fewer than three philosophies Provides descriptions of three philosophical societies’ appearances and inhabitants with occasional implausibilities or lack of clarity Provides clear and distinct descriptions of three philosophical societies’ appearances and inhabitants Provides insightful and distinct descriptions of three philosophical societies’ appearances and inhabitants

The paper needs to reflect this section

0 /14

Some details are shared about different branches of philosophy, as shown with, “Metaphysics as a philosophical branch deals with matters of principals that spans across abstracts, concepts that define the identity of time and space. The well-known pioneer aspects of metaphysics are cosmetology and astronomy.” However, this project requires application via developing fictional societies based on three specific philosophies (i.e. philosophies of Marx, Emerson, Aristotle, Plato, etc.). Each society should be based on a specific philosophy, and each description should show how each philosophy would influence the people, the institutions within, and the overall goings on of the corresponding society.

Such insights and descriptions are not evident.

Re-construct the reasoning process that each philosophy uses to justify its claims Inaccurate or minimally accurate rendering of the premises and methods of argumentation of three different philosophical systems, with important omissions or errors Mostly accurate rendering of the premises and methods of argumentation of three different philosophical systems, with some omissions or errors Accurate rendering of the premises and methods of argumentation of three different philosophical systems Incisive rendering of the premises and methods of argumentation of three different philosophical systems


The paper needs to reflect this section

8 /14

Some arguments associated with the branches are reconstructed, as shown with, “In light of its evaluative job, avocation is regularly utilized synonymously with sanity. There are, be that as it may, numerous sorts of soundness, some of which are not about a conviction’s epistemic status and some of which are not about beliefs by any stretch of the imagination.” However, the focus is on branches of philosophy, as opposed to specific philosophies by specific philosophers.

Highlight the positive outcomes from the practice of each philosophy Unclear or inadequate explanation of each philosophy’s most helpful, realistic, plausible, or timely aspects, justification missing or inaccurate General explanation of each philosophy’s most helpful, realistic, plausible, or timely aspects, not adequately justified Clear explanation of each philosophy’s most helpful, realistic, plausible, or timely aspects, with justification Rigorous and clever explanation of each philosophy’s most helpful, realistic, plausible, or timely aspects, with justification


The paper needs to reflect this section

0 /14

Each society’s strengths should be recognized. These strengths must highlight the beneficial and positive features of the societies because of their guiding philosophy. Then, the strengths must be examined to show and future positive implications/effects of the strengths and their impacts on the corresponding society. Such a discussion is not evident

Predict how the weaknesses of each philosophy would negatively affect its society Missing or inaccurate explanation of the pitfalls of each philosophy, with missing or inaccurate consequences for society Basic explanation of the pitfalls of each philosophy, with little mention of the consequences for society Clear explanation of the pitfalls of each philosophy, along with the consequences for society Detailed and advanced explanation of the pitfalls of each philosophy, along with the consequences for society


The paper needs to reflect this section

0 /14

Each society’s weaknesses should be recognized. These weaknesses must highlight the negative features of the societies because of their guiding philosophy. Then, the weaknesses must be examined to show and future negative implications/effects of the weaknesses and their impacts on the corresponding society. Such a discussion is not evident.

Identify areas of your own community that have philosophical significance Unclear or inaccurate explanation of aspects of one’s real-life community that have philosophical issues at stake or did not specify areas of philosophical significance Basic explanation of aspects of one’s real-life community that have philosophical issues at stake Clear explanation of aspects of one’s real-life community that have philosophical issues at stake Penetrating and detailed explanation of aspects of one’s real-life community that have philosophical issues at stake


The paper needs to reflect this section

8 /14

Some details are shared about society, in general, as shown with, “The National Assembly where the lawmakers converge to initiate and formulate matters policies and governance. This building is significant to the country as it provides an embodiment to the country leadership and governance structure.” However, the description should be of your own community, as opposed to institutions found throughout the world.

Argue how the positive aspects of the philosophies you have learned about could be constructively applied to your community Inadequate or missing application of three theories to one’s real-life community’s needs that lacks depth or reflection, or lacks argument for why the philosophy can be of benefit Basic application of three theories to one’s real-life community’s needs, giving general argument for why the philosophy can be of benefit Adequate application of three theories to one’s real-life community’s needs, arguing for why the philosophy can be of benefit Exceptional application of three theories to one’s real-life community’s needs, insightfully arguing for why the philosophy can be of benefit

The paper needs to reflect this section

8 /14

Some general philosophical insights are shared, in relation to their impacts, as shown with, “On the off chance that endurance is the primary end or reason, at that point little is embodied ever of human species. We as people seem to be limited to pose the inquiry “survival for what?” If there are diverse ends, it is in a legitimate appeal that they are distinctly observed censured and recognized with human matters.”

However, application of three philosophies on one’s own community to show how such philosophical approaches could impact one’s own community is missing.



Rubric Writing Standards = 16.0%

Evaluation Item Unsatisfactory

0 – 59%

60 – 69% 70 – 89% Outstanding

90 – 100%

Articulation There are multiple writing convention errors that severely impede comprehension of the work There are multiple writing convention errors that somewhat limit comprehension of the work There are some writing convention errors, but they do not impede comprehension of the work There are no detectable writing convention errors

The paper needs to reflect this section

7 /8

Throughout, many ideas are written clearly. There are, however, some evident errors, such as the following:

Sentence structures: …Metaphysics casts away doubts and contradiction on operations and activities across various parts of the world; as a result of satisfaction to human curiosity….

Unnecessary references to the paper: …The goal of this paper …

Subject-verb agreement mishaps: …Historical narrations and addresses of philosophical society is…

Such errors, overall, do not impede on the comprehension of the work.

APA format and referencing No attempt to cite sources in APA format is evident The source citations have multiple APA formatting errors The source citations have some APA formatting errors Either the source citations follow APA formatting guidelines with no detectable errors, or no source citation was required for this submission

The paper needs to reflect this section

5 /8

Borrowed material is given some credit. In-text citations, when evident, include some necessary components. Articles are, at times, referenced, but there are not citations associated with such sentences. All borrowed points must be given credit with appropriate in-text citations (author, date). The reference citations, at times, lack consistency concerning APA formatting and organization. At times, some of the citations appear like MLA, not APA citations. With that, components are missing, like parentheses around dates and recognition of the publication name, among other missing components. The following has an extensive citation guide: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html.


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