1.At the beginning of the novel Dr Jekyll is in total control of Mr.Hyde, but at the end, Mr.Hyde is in control of Dr Jekyll. Show how this reversal came about.
22.Discuss this novel as a “mystery story” and demonstrate how there are many clues that lead the reader to solve the “mystery” before the solution isrevealed in the final chapters.Choose a critical approachin your analysis(i.e. Gender; Biographical; Historical; Psychological; etc).3.Using this novel as your basis, discuss the nature of “good” and “evil”, and the duality of the nature of human beings.Choose a critical approachin your analysis(i.e. Gender; Biographical; Historical; Psychological; etc).4.Although for a few months Jekyll tried to lead a normal life, he did not seal up the entrance to his laboratory, nor did he get rid of Hyde’s clothing. Discuss the significance of this.Choose a critical approachin your analysis(i.e. Gender; Biographical; Historical; Psychological; etc).5.Although it is Dr Jekyll who commits the act of suicide, when his body is dying, Mr. Hyde regains control so that the men find his body and not Dr Jekyll’s. Explain the significance of this.Choose a critical approachin your analysis(i.e. Gender; Biographical; Historical; Psychological; etc).“Oedipus the King” Prompts:1.”To admire the tragic character requires, not that we like him particularly, but rather that we see in his response to experience something magnificently heroic” (Ian Johnston).Oedipus was fated to kill his father and marry his mother and that is what he ended up doing.So how do we see his heroism in this play? Write an essay in which you argue that Oedipus is or is not an admirable (heroic) character.Choose a critical approachin your analysis(i.e. Gender; Biographical; Historical; Psychological; etc).2.Dramatic irony is at the core of our response to Oedipus and his situation. What makes Oedipus’s actions throughout the play so dramatically compelling and increasingly tense is that we, the readers, know the outcome of the story.Using your knowledge of the end of the play, return to the Prologue and Oedipus’ second speech. Write an essay that analyses the irony that emerges from these sections in light of the play as a whole.Choose a critical approachin your analysis(i.e. Gender; Biographical; Historical; Psychological; etc).
3.Write an essay in which you analyze the famous quarrel between Oedipus and Teiresias.In other words, what is the significance of this scene to the play?Does it reveal character? Establish dramatic irony? Develop a theme? Contribute to the play’s central conflict?Some questions to consider are:Oedipus has little faith in Teiresias to know the truth.So why does he consult him? How does he treat him once Teiresias tells Oedipus what he knows? To some people, Oedipus’s quarrel with Teriesias seems odd.How does it make sense if we consider that Oedipus has a strong commitment to the truth?Where does Oedipus get his sense of truth from then, if not Teiresias? How does this passage set up the motifs of blindness, seeing or sight, light and dark that recur
3throughout the play? Why, do you think the “blind seer” is an archetypal character that has appeared in stories for thousands of years?You will need to focus your analysis and present a thesis about the significance of this passage.Choose a critical approachin your analysis(i.e. Gender; Biographical; Historical; Psychological; etc.).
4.Why are we still reading this play 2000 years after it was written?Does it develop themes that are still powerful today?Is there something about Oedipus’ situation or his actions that we see played out in modern times?Are there lessons that readers still learn from this play?You will need to focus and develop a thesis about the significance of the play today.You may bring in examples from modern times to support your ideas but make sure you also refer specifically to the play itself and refer to examples from the play to support your ideas.Choose a critical approachin your analysis(i.e. Gender; Biographical; Historical; Psychological; etc.)