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Critically analyse existing Aboriginal peoples’ and Torres Strait Islanders’ health and well-being programs and associated professional roles to develop a culturally safe and holistic response to a complex case study.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Well-Being
This document contains:
Assessment requirements.
Detailed instructions for completing the task.
Criterion Reference Assessment (CRA) Rubric that markers use to grade the assessment task.
NSB202 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Well-Being
NSB202 – Assessment Task 2A and 2B Page 2 of 8
Assessment Task 2
Assessment name:
Yatdjuligin (yarning in a good way) Task description:
“Yatdjuligin translates to ‘talking in a good way’. For Wakgun people, the process of Yatdjuligin is deeply embedded in learning… Yatdjuligin can be confronting. Passing on knowledge can sometimes be difficult, for many reasons – the knowledge itself may be difficult to understand, people may not want to know it, or they may not be ready to learn it” (Smallwood, 2018, p. 3).
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health and well-being is a complex area of health care policy and practice. Throughout the semester you will learn about some of the historical, political, social and cultural issues that construct this complex area of health care. You will learn how a culturally safe and informed nurse may work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to address holistic needs.
As Professor Aunty Gracelyn Smallwood (a nurse and midwife of 52 years) states above, the learning experience can be a confronting transformation. This specific area of nursing knowledge and practice is challenging. Thus your learning experience will be guided by the principle of cultural safety and yarning.
Your learning and sharing about nursing and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health and well-being does not end at the completion of NSB202. As a culturally safe practitioner, and patient advocate, you will find yourself in confronting situations with colleagues, employers, and patients. You will be required to exercise Yatdjuligin, to talk in a good way towards the best outcomes for your patients.
Assessment Task 2 is a two (2) part assessment that requires you to demonstrate your ability to exercise Yatdjuligin. It involves your participation in online discussions with peers, and the completion of an individual discussion essay.
1. The online discussions require you to participate in three (3) online discussions. The topics of discussion relate to the Week 6-11 learning material.
2. The discussion essay requires you to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of a particular topic from the list below.
Smallwood, G. (2018). Introduction. In O. Best & B. Fredericks (Eds.), Yatdjuligin Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nursing and midwifery (2nd ed., pp. 1-5). Port Melbourne, VIC: Cambridge University Press. Learning outcomes assessed:
1. Apply the principles of cultural safety to the context of Aboriginal peoples’ and Torres Strait Islanders’ health and well-being to analyse and advance your current position on the continuum of cultural safety.
2. Describe historical, social, and political issues and how they
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inform current experiences of health and well-being, in order to realise their significance as determinants of current health and wellbeing of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders.
3. Discover the everyday experiences of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders that inform their health care and describe how effective partnerships with individuals, families, and communities enables the sharing of experiences and perspectives
4. Articulate the principles of comprehensive primary health care as a vehicle for understanding Aboriginal peoples’ and Torres Strait Islanders’ health and well-being in terms of self-determination and activism.
5. Critically analyse existing Aboriginal peoples’ and Torres Strait Islanders’ health and well-being programs and associated professional roles to develop a culturally safe and holistic response to a complex case study. What you need to do:
1. Online Discussions
In weeks 6, 8 and 10 a task will be posted on your tutorial group’s online discussion board on the NSB202 Blackboard. Each task will relate to the online learning materials, and you will have one (1) week to participate.
You will be required to:
 contribute one (1) post for each of these weeks before Friday 11:59pm of weeks 7, 9 and 11
 provide constructive contribution to each discussion, considering the contribution of your colleagues
 use the prescribed and other relevant readings to support your discussion, accurately cite these references and include a reference list at the end of each of each post.
2. Discussion Essay
You must address your chosen topic. Your discussion essay should be structured as follows:
1. Introduction – introduce your topic (100 words).
2. Discussion – respond to the prescribed questions for your topic, dividing your word count equitably between each task (1300 words).
3. Conclusion – summarise the main points of your discussion essay (100 words).
You are a registered nurse working at a hospital in Brisbane. Matt is a 24 year old Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander man from Palm Island, he is currently an inpatient, but is awaiting transfer to the discharge lounge. He will be traveling back to Townsville today where he will continue his care from his mother’s home in Kirwan, Townsville.
He experienced some challenges while admitted to your ward, however thanks to your confident and informed patient advocacy and culturally safe care, he was able to be empowered to complete his care.
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You are required to choose one (1) of the following topics that relate to a challenge that Matt endured.
Topics (Choose 1):
A. Closing the gap
Closing the Gap funding enabled Matt’s mother to travel between Townsville and Brisbane, and payed for her accommodation and food at a local Aboriginal Hostel. This support was seen as special treatment by one of your nursing colleagues, who believed that “Indigenous peoples get everything!”
The Australian Human Rights Commission’s (AHRC) Close the Gap 2018 report critiques the Australian government’s current approach to Closing the Gap. Address the following tasks in your discussion essay:
i. Discuss the differences between the ‘Close the Gap’ campaign, and the ‘Closing the Gap’ Australian governments’ policy framework. (325 words)
ii. Explain what the AHRC Close the Gap 2018 report refers to in its fifth major finding, as the ‘funding myth about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health’. (325 words)
iii. Define the term ‘patient escort’, and discuss the common challenges that they may face. (325 words)
iv. Explain the role of the Aboriginal/Indigenous Hospital Liaison Officer and explain how this role may support the delivery of culturally safe care to both Matt and his mother. (325 words)
B. Aboriginal Community Controlled health Services (ACCHS)
You have been asked to review the discharge plan for Matt. The discharge plan currently identifies the Townsville Hospital as the facility that has been in correspondence. However, you know from recent discussions with Matt that he plans to have his care handed-over to the Townsville Aboriginal and Islander Health Service (TAIHS), the local Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service (ACCHS). When you approach the Community Hospital Interface Program (CHIP) nurse about this error, she asserts that ACCHSs are just like a General Practice (GP), and may not have the resources to support Matt’s rehabilitation.
The Australian Human Rights Commission’s Close the Gap 2018 report highlights the need for greater investment ACCHSs as a preferred service for closing the gap. Address the following tasks in your discussion essay:
i. define what an ACCHS is, and discuss how ACCHSs respond to holistic health needs, as per the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander definition of health (as included in the NACCHO Constitution) (325 words)
ii. compare and contrast ACCHSs and GPs regarding their ability to provide holistic and culturally safe care (325 words)
iii. describe the role of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker (ATSIHW). Discuss what nurses need to consider when working with ATSIHW in an interdisciplinary team (325 words)
iv. define self-determination and explain how it relates to ACCHOs, ATSIHWs and cultural safety (325 words)
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1. Online Discussions: 150 words for each post (3 posts in total), +/- 10% (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list).
2. Discussion Essay: 1500 words, +/-10% (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list and appendices). Estimated time to complete task:
1. Online Discussions: 6 hours
2. Discussion Essay: 20 hours Weighting:
60 % Individual/Group:
Individual Formative/Summative:
Formative and Summative How will I be assessed:
7-point grading scale using a rubric Due date:
1. Online Discussion: By 11:59 pm Friday, Weeks 7, 9 and 11. Submission to your tutorial group Discussion Board on NSB202 Blackboard.
2. Discussion Essay: Friday 24 May, submitted via Turnitin in your NSB202 Blackboard site by 11:59 pm.
Instructions for submitting an assignment with Turnitin may be found here. If you have trouble submitting a file to Turnitin, contact HiQ. Presentation requirements:
Your responses to the assessment tasks must adhere to the prescribed formatting.
1. Your discussion board contributions must:
 Include complete reference list at the end of each post.
 Be submitted via your tutorial group discussion board on the NSB202 Blackboard page.
2. Your discussion essay should be written in third-person style and prepared as follows:
 Has a cover sheet with the assessment title, your name, student number, tutor name and word count. Coversheet template is recommended and available on your NSB202 Blackboard site.
 Include ‘footer’ on each page with your name, student number, unit code and page number.
 3 cm margins on all sides, double-spaced text
 Times New Roman, font size 12.
 QUT APA style referencing (see www.citewrite.qut.edu.au)
 Include a complete reference list on a new page.
 Include total word count.
 Be submitted in electronic format via Turnitin.
What you need to submit:
1. Discussion Board:
Three (3) discussion board posts (one post in Weeks 7, 9, and 11) that contribute to the nominated discussion topic and written as per the presentation requirements (above).
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2. Discussion Essay:
One (1) word document that contains: Assignment Cover Sheet and your response to your allocated topic (above) written as per the presentation requirements (above). Resources needed to complete task:
 Week 1 – 12 NSB202 required and recommended readings, videos, lectures and tutorial material.
 QUT Cite|Write APA guide.
 Turnitin Tip Sheets.
Academic Integrity
The School of Nursing takes academic integrity very seriously. All work submitted must be your own work. The work of others needs to be correctly acknowledged and referenced according to the APA guidelines.
There are serious consequences that will be imposed should you be found to breach academic integrity. Make sure you are familiar with the MOPP C/5.3 Academic Integrity and view the Academic Integrity video and explore the Academic Case Studies available on your Blackboard site.
Maintaining academic integrity is your responsibility. If in doubt, check it carefully.
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NSB202 Assessment Task 2 Rubric
Yatdjuligin (yarning in a good way)
Learning outcomes assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Weighting: 60 % Criteria 7 6 5 4 3 2 – 1
Online Discussion
Weighting: 25%
LO: 1,2,3,4,5.
 Comprehensive contribution that demonstrates mastery of key concepts and their application to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health context.
 Effective use of evidence to support discussion. Both prescribed and additional learning resources were used.
 Expertly considers the contribution of others.
 Consistent and timely participation in Weeks 7, 9 and 11.
 Contribution that demonstrates a strong understanding of key concepts and their application to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health context.
 Uses evidence to support discussion. Based on prescribed and mostly accurate additional learning resources were used.
 Skilfully considers the contribution of others.
 Consistent and timely participation in Weeks 7, 9 and 11.
 Contribution that demonstrates a sound understanding of key concepts and their application to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health context.
 Discussions based only on the appropriate prescribed learning resources.
 Mostly considers the contribution of others.
 Consistent and timely participation in Weeks 7, 9 and 11.
 Contribution that demonstrates an adequate understanding of key concepts and their application to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health context.
 Discussion based only on mostly accurate prescribed learning resources.
 Adequately considers the contribution of others.
 Consistent and timely participation in Weeks 7, 9 and 11.
 Contribution that demonstrates some understanding of key concepts and their application to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health context.
 Discussion supported by some prescribed learning material.
 Superficial consideration for the contributions of others.
 Participation in at least 2 online discussions.
 Demonstrates limited to no understanding of key concepts and their application to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health context.
 Based on minimal or no evidence.
 Minimal or no consideration for the contributions of others.
 Participation in 1 or none of the online discussions.
Discussion Essay
Theoretical understanding
Weighting: 30%
LO: 1,2,3,4,5.
Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of relevant key concepts.
Demonstrated theoretical understanding is based on prescribed learning material and accurate additional resources.
Demonstrates a strong understanding of key concepts
Demonstrated theoretical understanding is based on prescribed learning material and mostly accurate additional resources.
Demonstrates a sound understanding of key concepts.
Demonstrated theoretical understanding is based only on the appropriate prescribed learning resources.
Demonstrates an adequate understanding of key concepts.
Demonstrated theoretical understanding is based only on mostly accurate prescribed learning resources.
Demonstrates little understanding of key concepts.
Demonstrated theoretical understanding is based on some prescribed learning material.
Demonstrates little to no understanding of key concepts.
Prescribed learning material used minimally, or not understood or not used at all.
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NSB202 – Assessment 2A and 2B Page 8 of 8
Discussion Essay
Application of knowledge
Weighting: 35%
LO: 1,2,3,4,5.
Demonstrates comprehensive understanding of the application of key concepts to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health context.
Demonstrate strong understanding of the application of key concepts to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health context.
Demonstrate sound understanding of the application of key concepts to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health context.
Demonstrate adequate understanding of the application of key concepts to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health context.
Demonstrate basic understanding of the application of key concepts to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health context.
Demonstrate little to no understanding of the application of key concepts to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health context.
Discussion Essay
Communication, presentation and referencing
Weighting: 10%
LO: 1
 Presentation accurately met presentation requirements.
 Consistently used professional non-discriminatory language.
 Consistently and accurately applied QUT APA style of referencing.
 Expressed ideas clearly, concisely and fluently with accurate spelling and grammar.
 Kept to word limit.
 Presentation met most aspects of presentation requirements.
 Almost always used professional non-discriminatory language.
 Almost always applied QUT APA style of referencing.
 Expressed ideas clearly and fluently with accurate spelling and grammar.
 Kept to word limit.
 Presentation met some aspects of presentation requirements.
 Mostly used professional non-discriminatory language.
 Mostly correct application of QUT APA style of referencing.
 Expressed ideas clearly.
 Mostly accurate spelling and grammar.
 Kept to word limit.
 Presentation met few aspects of presentation requirements.
 Generally correctly used professional non-discriminatory language.
 Generally correctly applied QUT APA style of referencing correctly.
 Mostly expressed ideas clearly.
 Sound spelling and grammar.
 Kept to word limit.
 Presentation met limited aspects of presentation requirements.
 Sometimes used professional non-discriminatory language.
 Sometimes applied QUT APA style of referencing correctly.
 Ideas sometimes clearly expressed.
 Was under or over the required word limit.
 Presentation ignored presentation requirements, and QUT APA referencing conventions.
 Rarely used professional non-discriminatory language.
 Rarely applied QUT APA style of referencing correctly.
 Ideas not clearly expressed.
 Was significantly under or over the required word limit.

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