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What is the drug used for? Some statistics about the sale of the drug/number of patients suffering, history.

Task 1 of 2

Drugs Presentation

  1. You can choose from the following classes of drug: Alkaloids, Antacids,Antibiotics,Antiviral,Antihistamines,Barbiturates,Depressants,Hypnotics,Narcotics,Sedatives,Steroids,Tranquilizers,Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs.

Including any other class of drug, you might be interested.

You should choose three categories and in a 20-minute presentation discuss the effects of the drug on the psychology and physiology of the patient, indicating the desired effect and evaluating the use of the drugs in terms of the risks (contra-indicators) and benefits.

Here is the guideline for one class of drugs:

  • Slide 1-Class of drug, example of drugs
  • Slide2-What is the drug used for? Some statistics about the sale of the drug/number of patients suffering, history.
  • Slide3-5-Effect on Psychology and Psychology of the patient:
  • Pharmacodynamics: show diagrams and explain how it works at molecular level (e.g. receptor, enzyme, membrane, Biochemical pathway….)

b- Pharmacokinetics (how it is administered, Dosage, How long it lasts, routes of elimination)

  • Slide 6-7 Side-effects and Benefits (how it has affected the disease, less people suffering, managing the disease, increase life span, better quality of life,…..)
  • Slide 8-References



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