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Roles of the United States Federal Army in policing and settling the Western Territories in the mid to late 1800’s

Instructor Instructions…
INSTRUCTIONS as attached.
Senior Thesis Paper: Your Senior Thesis will meet the following criteria: – 25-30 pages long, typed, double-spaced, in a twelve-point font, with one inch margins. – It is a unique contribution to your chosen area of historical research. This requirement can be fulfilled by – using under-utilized or unutilized primary source materials; – identifying and addressing an unacknowledged problem of historical sourcing or interpretation; – applying conceptual categories in a way that offers new insight into established areas of historical scholarship; – making innovative use of interpretive theory in the analysis of your sources. – In short, your paper must offer something in its interpretations or in its presentation of the evidence that cannot be found elsewhere. – You need to have an argument that you are trying to prove. This is more than just retelling events that occurred; you must analyze those events and support a specific thesis. – All of your citations need to be either footnotes or endnotes in Rampolla/Turabian form, the Notes and Bibliography style from the Chicago Manual of Style. The Online Chicago Manual of Style can be found at – You need to have at least 15 primary sources, and at least 15 secondary sources. – At least 3 of the primary sources must not be from a digital source. – At least 6 of the secondary documents must be monographs, not articles. – You will have to have a bibliography also in Rampolla/Turabian form. The bibliography will be divided between primary and secondary sources. – The grading rubric for your paper is located here: – You must follow the Style Guide. Style Guide: These rules must be followed in your paper. – Margins will be one inch and the font size should be 12 point. – Ellipses do not normally start or end quotations, but are only used within quotations. Do not use the ellipse character, but use this character sequence: . – Any quote over three lines will be a block quote; block quotes will be singlespaced and double-indented. – Know the difference between “its” and “it’s.” – Know what [sic] is and how to use it. – Know what “Ibid” is and how to use it. – The American style to put punctuation (period, comma, questions mark, semicolon, colon) before the ending double quotation mark. – No extra blank lines between paragraphs. – Put page numbers on each page.

My Instructions

Research Paper Topic- “Roles of the Federal Army in Policing and Settling Western Territories in the 1850-1860’s”
Focus points

  1. Role of the U.S. Federal Army in policing and settling the west in the mid to late 1800’s
  2. Find what the Federal Army collected at the site of the Massacre (Mountain Meadows Massacre) as well as their report/investigation, and if they found Paiute Indian involvement in their findings like Mormon leaders inclined.
  3. Why was John D. Lee the only person held responsible and executed by the Utah courts?

Focus paper around the Federal Army Investigating the Mountain Meadows Massacre that happened in Utah Territory in 1857 while elaborating on the Federal Army role in policing and settling the west not just about Mountain Meadows Massacre but focus around that event.
Find what the federal army for the United States Government found in this investigation as well as explaining their roles in policing and settling the western territories.
MUST HAVE quotes and footnotes to cite the sources. Must have 30 sources 15 Primary and 15 secondary as referenced in the instructor directions. Please form your own argument from the information you obtain via the sources that you use.

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