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Choose 1 of the three techniques discussed in class (Heartmath, Body Scan or Progressive relaxation) and do the 5 entries for that (remember, it must be 5 different days).

Assignment #2: Health and Stress

Course: Psyc 150 – An introduction to Psychology

Value: 10% of final grade

Estimated length: 5 pages, 12 pt font, 1 ½ spaced

Purpose: Learn modern techniques used in stress management and health promotion in a variety of professions.  Discuss and relate how one of these techniques may impact your own awareness.


Relaxation / mindfulness exercise –


You may choose 1 of the three techniques discussed in class (Heartmath, Body Scan or Progressive relaxation) and do the 5 entries for that (remember, it must be 5 different days). This exercise is to be completed individually.

1 1/2 spaces between lines, margins/fonts can be APA


Page 1 – title page

Following 3 pages:

Minimum 5 journal entries, 10-15 minutes each. For each entry you need to write:

A-Day # (or entry #), date, time start, time finish, and a short description (1-2 lines of where / what and when you did your exercise)

B-about half a page describing your experience with the exercise that day. (what did you observe? Did you have any difficulties? Any awareness’s? (more examples of this will be given in class)

Page 5:


At the end of the paper, (after entry #5), write a half a page to a page overall summary/ analysis/ reflection on your whole experience with this exercise.


Grading: All of the following will be considered:

  • Clear evidence of having practiced the chosen technique in 5 different days
  • How clearly you describe your experience
  • Evidence of critical thinking and reflective learning
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