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 Describe what sampling method you used to collect your data (stratified, systematic, cluster, random, or another). How did you collect your data? Explain it so that another student in the class could duplicate your survey.

Introduction to Statistics:

 Write a paragraph (at least 4 sentences) explaining some background about your topic and why it is something of interest to you. What do you hope to learn from your study?


Data Collection:

 Describe the population of interest.

Describe what sampling method you used to collect your data (stratified, systematic, cluster, random, or another). How did you collect your data? Explain it so that another student in the class could duplicate your survey.

Discuss bias in the data collection process.

            Quantitative Questions:

  1. Quantitative question 1
  2. Quantitative question 2
  3. Quantitative question 3
  4. Quantitative question 4


Qualitative Questions:

  1. Qualitative question 1
  2. Qualitative question 2
  3. Qualitative question 3


Summary Statistics

  Mean Median Mode Variance Standard Deviation
Question 1          
Question 2          
Question 3          
Question 4          


Write a paragraph explaining how you calculated each of these. Then show your work on how you found the mean, median, mode, variance, and standard deviation for one of your quantitative questions.


[insert the bar graph here, make sure to label axis and all variables. Include a title]

In at least a paragraph, explain your bar graph and how it helps you better understand your project.

[insert the pie chart here, make sure to all variables and indicate percents. Include a title]

In at least a paragraph, explain your pie chart and how it helps you better understand your project.

Quantitative Graphs

[insert the frequency table here, make sure to label columns. Include a title]

In at least a paragraph, explain your frequency table and how it helps you better understand your project.

[insert the histogram here, make sure to label both axes, and make sure there are no spaces between the bars. Include a title]

In at least a paragraph, explain your histogram and how it helps you better understand your project.

[insert the Scatter Diagram here, make sure to label both axes, and make sure to calculate the CORRELATION coefficient. Include a title]

In at least TWO paragraphs, explain your scatter diagram and how it helps you better understand your project. What variables are you relating? Is there a correlation between them? What is the correlation coefficient?


Discuss what you learned from your project. Was there anything that was surprising or unexpected in your findings. If you were to repeat the project again, how would you do it differently? Why or why not? Are there other questions you wish you had asked? Would you have changed the wording of your questions now that the project is over (if you were to do it again?) What advice would you give a student who was about to start this project?


List any references used (at least list our textbook). If you need help on reference formatting, see: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/06/

Self-Assessment Rubric

Points 6 5 4 2 0
Cover Page Includes: A unique title, your name, date, and the course Only includes 3 of the four required items Only includes 2 of the required things Only includes 1 of the required things Missing
  6 5 4 2 0
Background information Includes: At least 4 sentences: background on topic, why it is of interest, and what you hope to learn from the study Only includes 3 of the four required items Only includes 2 of the required things Only includes 1 of the required things Missing
  10 8 6 2 0
Data Collection Correctly includes: population, sampling method, how data was collected, and bias Only includes 3 of the four required items or there is an error with one of the items Only includes 2 of the required items, or there is an error in 2 of the items Only includes 1 of the required things or only one of the items is correct/has an error Missing or errors in all
  10 8 6 2 0
Research questions Includes 4 quantitative questions and 3 qualitative questions At least 6 research questions are included, and all are correctly identified as quantitative or qualitative At least 5 research questions or some of the questions are incorrectly identified as quantitative/qualitative Less than 4 questions or most are not identified as qualitative/quantitative (or incorrectly labeled) Missing questions or less than 3 questions total
  10 8 6 4 0
Summary Statistics Table filled out for at least 4 quantitative questions, mean, median, mode, variance, and standard deviation calculated for all, units correctly included, and a paragraph with a correct explanation of how these calculations were performed for at least one question is provided Missing at least one required piece, but everything else is correct. Missing 2-3 required pieces or at least one error Multiple errors or multiple pieces missing Missing
  10 8 6 4 0
Bar Graph Correct bar graph with axis labels and title and explanatory paragraph correct bar graph missing one thing: axis labels or title or explanatory paragraph correct bar graph missing two things axis labels and title and/or explanatory Incorrect bar graph or missing labels and title and explanatory paragraph missing
  10 8 6 4 0
Pie chart Correct pie chart with labels and title and explanatory paragraph correct pie chart missing one thing: labels or title and/or explanatory paragraph correct pie chart missing two things: missing labels and/or title and/or explanatory paragraph Incorrect pie chart missing
  10 8 6 4 0
Frequency Table Correct frequency table with labels and title and explanatory paragraph correct frequency table missing one thing: labels or title or explanatory paragraph correct frequency table missing two things: labels and/or title and/or explanatory paragraph Incorrect frequency table missing
  10 8 6 4 0
Histogram Correct histogram with labels and title and explanatory paragraph correct histogram missing one thing: labels or title or explanatory paragraph correct histogram missing two things: labels and/or title and/or explanatory paragraph Incorrect histogram missing
  16 12 8 4 0
Scatter Diagram Correct scatter diagram with labels and title and explanatory paragraph and correlation coefficient correct scatter diagram missing one thing: labels or title or explanatory paragraph or correlation correct scatter diagram missing two things: labels and/or title and/or explanatory paragraph and/or correlation coefficient Incorrect scatter diagram missing
  8 6 4 2 0
Conclusion & references Discusses: Learnings, surprising/unexpected findings, changes if were to redo and why, Other questions or wording changes, advice to future students and references missing one aspect of conclusion missing 2-3 aspects of conclusion missing 4 or more aspects of conclusion no conclusion
  4 2 2 2 0
Self-Assessment rubric included and completed Included but 80-90% complete Included but 70-80% complete Included but 60-70% complete not included
Total Points ______/100 possible      



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