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Develop an interesting and persuasive argument. Tell your readers something they do not already know about the two texts under consideration.

Write a comparative analysis on two literary texts (The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilmans and The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin). In this paper, you should:
1. Develop an interesting and persuasive argument. Tell your readers something they do not already know about the two texts under consideration. 2. Support your argument with textual evidence. Be sure to cite directly from the texts under consideration. 3. Support your argument with your careful and rigorous analysis of that evidence. Do not cite and run! Be sure to explain thoroughly and clearly how you are interpreting your evidence. Do not assume that your readers will automatically agree with you. Take the time and energy to convince them of your analysis.

Whichever texts you choose, carefully consider why the two texts you have chosen invite comparison, and what new light your comparison can shed on both texts and the subject matter they address. Be careful not to simply provide a laundry list of things that are similar and different about two texts. Instead, construct a cohesive argument that is supported by your comparison of specific aspects of both texts.

Your audience is made up of other literary critics who have read the texts twice; they are familiar enough with the texts that you do not need to summarize plots. Give only enough context to situate your audience and support your claims.

For this assignment, you are to engage deeply with your chosen texts and construct your own analysis. As such, please do not consult sources, such as “SparkNotes,” that do the interpretive work for you. You may, of course, consult quality dictionaries of English or Spanish.

**Structure the analysis point by point, not text by text**

Consult and follow https://writingcenter.fas.harvard.edu/pages/how-write-comparative-analysis to structure and write the comparative analysis.

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