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Write a paper on the developmental progression of oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, and antisocial personality disorder and their associations with conduct problems and crime.

Rarely do serious violent offenders spontaneously start offending in adulthood; instead their criminal activity is part of a long career of problem behaviors.
In this assignment, you will write a paper on the developmental progression of oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, and antisocial personality disorder and their associations with conduct problems and crime.

In your paper, identify the symptoms associated with the three disorders and how those symptoms are consistent with antisocial conduct. Analyze the arguments and evidence supporting the developmental progression of disorders. It is important to note that the developmental progression does not unfold identically in every individual. For instance, some youth with conduct disorder do not become adults with antisocial personality disorder. Thus, be prepared to identify factors that are associated with continuity in the progression of the disorders and factors that are associated with discontinuity in the disorders (such as antisocial youth with positive, warm parents who can redirect antisocial tendencies). Apply analysis to your selected offender (Randall Woodfield). Does his or her development follow this progression? How does it differ?

When selecting articles to use for your paper, consider the following (4 Articles will be provided):
What are the assumptions of the article? What type of sample is used, such as a community sample of youth, a clinical sample of youth, or a correctional sample of youth or adults? Make clear how the sample might influence the results.
How does the article identify symptoms of the disorder and its relation to crime? What measures are used?
What evidence is provided in the article for how well or poorly the disorders relate to each other? What is the weakness or strength of the evidence for oppositional defiant disorder developing into conduct disorder developing into antisocial personality disorder? What evidence would you add to support your own arguments?
How would the author rebut your argument against his or her position? Or if you are defending his or her position, how would you respond to the arguments of someone countering this position? You should call out those potential rebuttals directly and offer evidence against them.
What other important points has the article missed in making its argument, or how would you further bolster your own arguments? As you respond to each of these points, be sure to provide specific examples of what you find worthwhile or unconvincing in the article.

Set your paper in 12-point Times or Times New Roman, double-spaced type.
Ensure your paper is clearly written, well organized, free of errors, and follows professional standards.
Use at least six academic scholarly sources (4 sources will be provided).
Follow all current APA style and format requirements. (Ensure that in-text parenthetical citations include author(s’) last names, year and page number).

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