Go to ESRI to access their Tapestry Segmentation webpage
Read through the information in the “Explore Your Community’s Characteristics” area.
Click on START EXPLORING and then you will be prompted to enter a ZIP Code.
Input a zip code with which you are familiar and click submit.
Share the ZIP CODE that you chose including the city & state.
List the most common Tapestry Segments for the ZIP code – the top 3 or 4 should be listed under the TAPESTRY heading
Read through each of the segments (click on the segment and review the information that appears in the square to the right of the segment name. Choose the Tapestry Segment that you think best describes this area, click on the CLICK FOR MORE DETAILS link at the bottom of the description, and explain the information. Be sure to summarize key descriptors in your own words.
Does the description match what you know about the ZIP Code? Why or why not?
How could marketers use this research/information when developing a target market OR developing a promotion strategy?