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Rational Attitude Presentation and R: Explain and discuss the concept of Instrumental and Terminal Values.

Part 1. Psychological Contract
Explain and explore the concept of Psychological Contract. Relate this to your experience in a work place. Discuss if you have ever experienced a breach or a confirmation of the psychological contract?
Thinking about somewhere you work or have worked- What contributions does/did the employer/organisation want from you? What do/did you expect from the employer/host? How does/did the balance seem? If you can/did perceive some imbalance explain this in your reflection and think about the likely implications for you and/or for the employer.
Reflect and recommend: If you were/ are a manager what would you do to manage the Psychological Contract to ensure a positive workplace culture.
Part 2. Instrumental and Terminal Values
Explain and discuss the concept of Instrumental and Terminal Values.
Reflect upon your values. Use Rokeach’s list (Rockeach value survey). Think about which ‘terminal’ and ‘instrumental’ values you have and how they relate to each other. Use the notes in the module to help you think about what your values are (the things you find important and/or good). Rank your values.
Discuss how and why clarifying your values can lead to job satisfaction. Give some specific examples from your own experience.
Explain and discuss how would you use this information in a job search? Give examples of an organisation that would fit your personal values and why. (You can use screen shots of web pages or examples of mission, vision and values statements or purpose statements)
Part 3.Locus of control
Explain and discuss the concept of Locus of Control.
Conduct a literature search around the relationship between Locus of Control, self – esteem, self –efficacy and job satisfaction. Critically evaluate what you have found. (You should look at 3-4 academic papers)
Part 4. Conclusions and Actions
Finally, Summarise your learnings and provide an action plan that will allow you to use this material to assist you in your career and personal development. (this should have at least three actions)
•Title page
•Table of contents
•Body of the report addressing the issues listed above and broken down under the three sections;
•Conclusion and Actions; and

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